The Happy Life: Learning to live well by embracing wisdom. (Week 4)
JAN 24, 2024
Description Community

Pastor Chris Andrews (Associate Pastor) - Proverbs 3:13-18 (Proverbs 3:9-10, 13-18 & 27-28; 5:1-23; 6:6-11 & 16-17; 10:4 & 19; 11:24-25; 12:22; 13:4; 14:31; 15:1 & 28; 17:27-28; 19:17; 20:4; 21:20 & 23; 25:15 & 21-22; John 14:26; Galatians 5:22-23)


Let’s continue learning how to have The Happy Life! The book of Proverbs teaches about the character traits God wants to build in our lives. We will look at 5 character traits of the wise.


Series description:

We’re diving into the book of Proverbs, tapping into God’s wisdom for blessings, health, and a truly fulfilling life. Let’s learn together how to live well and experience the joy that comes from embracing His wisdom!


The Happy Life
"Learning to live well by embracing wisdom."
Week 4

The Character of the Wise
1. mastering your speech
- never lie
- soft speech makes a difference
- don't speak too much
2. embracing a strong work ethic
- learn to prepare in advance
- diligence leads to material blessing
3. resisting temptation and sin
- learn to stay far away from temptation
- find fulfillment at home with your spouse
4. practicing wise financial management
- God first
- save
- give
5. treating others with love and respect
- treat the poor with dignity
- treat your enemies with love
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