Bad Decisions Lead to Cessna Engine Failure and Crash – Episode 192
NOV 22, 2023
Description Community

Oil leaks don’t just happen. When they do, they should trigger a close look at the engine. John Goglia and Todd Curtis share this advice after digging into the fatal crash of a Cessna Centurion after the owner and his passenger made unscheduled repairs on the oil system.

The experienced pilot and passenger lost oil in fight and landed to add more. Surprisingly, there is no evidence that they did any kind of inspection of the engine. Witnesses present when they took off again say they did not do an engine runup. They also reported hearing odd engine noises as the plane took off.

Todd and John discuss how the decisions made by the pilot were the primary cause of this plane crash. Secondary to that was the in-flight engine failure experienced shortly after takeoff.

Related documents are available at the Flight Safety Detectives website.

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Music: “Inspirational Sports” license ASLC-22B89B29-052322DDB8

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