Scripture class by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on Devi Gita, chapter 1, verses 66-70 given to students of the Ramakrishna Seminary at Kali Mandir via Zoom on 29 March 2023.
व्यास उवाच
vyāsa uvāca
Vyasa said:
हिमालयोऽपि तच्छ्रुत्वात्यनुग्रह-करम् वचः |
बाष्पैः संरुद्धकण्ठाक्षो महाराज्ञीं वचोऽब्रवीत् || ६६ ||
himālayo’pi tacchrutvātyanugraha-karam vacaḥ |
bāṣpaiḥ saṃ-ruddha-kaṇṭhākṣo mahā-rājñīṃ vaco’bravīt || 66 ||
66. "Hearing Her exceedingly kind words, Himalaya on his part replied to the Great Sovereign Queen, his eyes and throat congested with tears."
महत्तरं तं कुरुषे यस्यानुग्रहमिच्छसि |
नोचेत् क्वाऽहं जडः स्थाणुः क्व त्वं सच्चित्स्वरूपिणी || ६७ ||
mahattaraṃ taṃ kuruṣe yasyānugraham-icchasi |
nocet kvā’haṃ jaḍaḥ sthāṇuḥ kva tvaṃ sac-cit-svarūpiṇī || 67 ||
67. "You greatly ennoble whomever You wish to favor. For who am I, so dull and motionless, compared to You who embody infinite being and consciousness?"
असम्भाव्यं जन्मशतैस्त्वत्पितृत्वं ममानघे |
अश्वमेधादिपुण्यैर्वा पुण्यैर्वा तत्समाधिजैः || ६८ ||
asambhāvyaṃ janma-śataistvat-pitṛ-tvaṃ mamānaghe |
aśvamedhādi-puṇyairvā puṇyairvā tat-samādhijaiḥ || 68 ||
68. "That I should become Your father in the course of hundreds of births is astonishing, O Faultless One, even with all the merit gained by performing horse sacrifices and other religious penances."
अद्य प्रपञ्च कीर्तिः स्याज्जगन्माता सुताभवत् |
अहो हिमालयस्यास्य धन्योऽसौ भाग्यवानिति || ६९ ||
adya prapañca kīrtiḥ syāj-jagan-mātā sutā-bhavat |
aho himālayasyāsya dhanyo’sau bhāgyavān-iti || 69 ||
69. "Now I shall be renowned, for all the world will think: 'The World Mother has become the daughter of that Himalaya, wonder of wonders! How blessed and fortunate is he'."
यस्यास्तु जठरे सन्ति ब्रह्माण्डानां च कोटयः |
सैव यस्य सुता जाता को वा स्यात्तत्समो भुवि || ७० ||
yasyāstu jaṭhare santi brahmāṇḍānāṃ ca koṭayaḥ |
saiva yasya sutā jātā ko vā syāt-tat-samo bhuvi || 70 ||
70. "She whose womb contains tens of millions of worlds has been born as his daughter—who on earth is his equal?"
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