Episode 0070 - Supply Chain, Christmas, and Ships Stuck Off Our Coasts
SEP 21, 2021
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We are all experiencing a problem with shortage of supplies or taking time to get to us. Our supply chain has slowed way down (per Gallup) and created consumer prices to go up. Six in 10 people are unable in the past two months to get a product we have ordered. Similar percentage of people have experienced significant delays in getting these products. Altogether, 71% of Americans have experienced at least one of the two of these problems. If you download the app called Marine-Traffic and you can see all of the ships sitting there waiting to go into port and be unloaded. it is taking up to 4 to 6 weeks to unload these ships. Why? I can't find the real answer as to why it is taking so long. Christmas supplies are sitting off shore waiting to be unloaded which means Christmas present may be gift cards because there is no supply of consumer goods for Christmas. All of us have got to become good stewards of our money and think more creatively. This issue is driving up prices and creating inflation that affects all of us. So expect me to hound you weekly on being good stewards.

Full Gallup report: https://news.gallup.com/poll/353312/consumers-felt-supply-chain-problems.aspx

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