Ep 55: Can you REALLY grow your legs in a home gym? | Prepping for pregnancy
FEB 13, 2024
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In this episode Ashleigh and Rachel discuss whether or not you can effectively grow your legs and glutes with a limited home gym (and give plenty of advice on how you can maximize your workouts no matter where you are or what equipment you have). They both recently invested in some of the trendy new walking office treadmills and talk about whether they think they're worth it; how their meal prepping has changed over time; the best way to prep for pregnancy; and they have their favorite "lifting straps vs. no lifting straps" debate, AGAIN. This one is a fun episode, and full of practical takeaways.

Here's a link to the Versa Gripps product Rachel loves.

Here's a link for a similar product in Canada.

If you have questions, comments, or topic ideas for us, send them to musclescience4women@gmail.com.

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Check out our specialized program, the Grow Your Glutes Workshop: https://www.rgfit.com/glutes

More info on our flagship strength training program, Muscle Science for Women: http://www.musclescienceforwomen.com

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