How to Find Podcast Editing Clients: Advice from Podcast Editors
OCT 27, 2022
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It seems like every podcast editor wants to know the answer to the same question, "How can I find clients?"
And the follow-up... "FAST!"
We can't say it can't happen, but it's usually a long game because you're looking for clients who might stick with you for years and years. Listen as Carrie, Daniel, and Jennifer (YAY!) share what's working, what they're trying, and what's going on now.
Have questions or comments? Join the conversation (link below). ([ 🗨️ Join the Conversation ])
Listen to DiscoverHow you can get started
Why a podcast editing business isn't ONLY about editing podcasts
The good, the bad, and the scary about platforms like Fiverr and Upwork
How having the right relationships can help you increase your rates
Ways you can incentivize clients to help you get the word out

Links And Resources (Where can I find my first podcast client? - Podcast Editors Mastermind) - Our First episode on finding clients

Join Us Live!We stream live to our (Facebook page) and to (YouTube) every other week.

Our EditorThis episode of the Podcast Editors Mastermind was edited by Alejandro Ramirez. You can (find him on Facebook) if you're interested in talking with him about editing your show.
Be a GuestIf you're a podcast editor, we'd love to see if you'd be a fit for a future episode. (Fill out this form to let us know you're interested), and we'll contact you to see if it's a good fit.

Your Yetis AreDaniel Abendroth | (Roth Media)
Carrie Caulfield Arick | (YaYa Podcasting)
Bryan Entzminger | (Top Tier Audio)
Jennifer Longworth | (Bourbon Barrel Podcasting)

About the Podcast Editors MastermindThe Podcast Editors Mastermind is for professional podcast editors who want to grow their business and get more clients. We’re creating a community of like-minded professionals that are passionate about the art and science of editing podcasts.
Our goal is to help you build your business by providing tools, resources, and support so you can focus on what matters most—your craft. This isn’t just another group where everyone talks about how great they are at podcast editing; we show our work!
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