Understanding Compassion with Jo and Sue
FEB 23, 2021
Description Community

Sue and Jo, resilience based educators and co-founders of ImpACT-Mental Health believe COMPASSION and KINDNESS are the foundations on which we should build our lives.

As humans we all make mistakes, we all experience pain and we all fail at times, but how do we deal with these situations?

It's all too easy to fall into the pit of self-criticism and self-sabotage, and to reprimand and punish ourselves rather than extending the hand of kindness and compassion.

COMPASSION - to recognise the suffering of others and then take action to help, a tangible expression of love for those who are suffering.

SELF-COMPASSION - being warm and understanding towards ourselves in times of perceived inadequacy, failure or suffering.

How do we practice Compassion and Self-Compassion?

What stops us from being Compassionate?

When we can't find Compassion and the lessons within?

Join Jo and Sue as they chat about healing, grieving, jealousy, coming out of ego, being non judgemental and the benefits compassion brings to ourselves and everyone around us. 


Love, light and hearts filled with sunshine!!!
