Bonus: Shipping Woes & a Farm Bill Preview -- Aubrey Bettencourt Dishes
OCT 06, 2022
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Last episode we dove into deep water with Aubrey Bettencourt -- the president and CEO of California's Almond Alliance -- about nuts. That's what you think we would talk about, but we covered water policy (ok, relevant) and endangered species management (is that relevant? yes... listen to see how) and ended up with a better understanding of the complex systems we are a part of as consumers, farmers and environmentalists.
This week, lucky you, we get a second go with Aubrey on those ships that were stuck in port or in transit with YOUR stuff and what the impact has been on the farming world. AND we go down the Farm Bill path too. Because you should know. We all should know. And we will use this primer to get more information on it soon. Yay!
xoxo, Farm Girl
To listen to the first TF2M episode featuring Aubrey, click (here).