24 Season 6, Episode 23 'Day 6: 4:00 a.m. - 5:00 a.m.' Recap - The Oz Network TV
MAR 17, 2024
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The penultimate episode of season 6 of 24 is finally here as we give our take and a closer look at the 23rd episode of said season by recapping 4am-5am! Why is this such a bad episode, especially for a penultimate season episode? Why does everyone seem to be bored once again this week? Why do Ben & Colin disagree on so much in this episode? What does Bette Midler have to do with anything? Are we excited to see Mike go blind? Why is this episode so dark? Why does Philip Bauer just have all the access and why doesn’t he then just work for the government? And why does Chloe collapse and why is that a thing? Lots to unpack and digest so get to it and listen in!

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