Episode 312: Kikéy Castillo - The Booking that First Co-star and Beyond Episode
SEP 05, 2022
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Welcome back to another episode of the Think Bigger Actor's Podcast and Happy Labor Day! Boy, do I have the perfect episode for all you actors out there. 

Today’s guest we have Kikey Castillo who is an actress who is out her kicking butt and recurring her butt off. You probably know her from Mayans MC, DC’s Stargirl, and/or Girl from Plainville. She is a true talent and holds a special place in my heart. 

In this episode, we throw it way back to the early days of her being one of my first clients and how she booked her first co-star episode and kept gaining momentum to attain the level and success she is at now. This is another one you won't wanna miss! Stick around for the D-12 shot where I bring it all together. 


Watch the video podcast on Youtube + Subscribe: DaJuan Johnson - Think Bigger Coaching for Actors 


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