The Fortress of Baileytude Podcasting Network

Michael Bailey


The Main Feed for the podcasts that belong to the Fortress of Baileytude Podcasting Network!

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777 episodes

The Overlooked Dark Knight Episode 78 - The Ultimate Bat Library

This time out Andy and Mike choose from the many, many, MANY Bat trade paperback collections to curate the Ultimate Bat Library! Come for the choices, stay for the Nightwing talk at the end!

Sep 15, 2023
The Overlooked Dark Knight At The Movies Presents...The Flash!

This time out Andy and Mike present the first of an irregular side show where the guys talk about Batman movies and television shows that (probably) everybody as watched. This time out they talk about THE FLASH, because Mike felt he had to watch it and Andy is a good friend and didn't want him to suffer alone.

Aug 21, 2023
The Overlooked Dark Knight Episode 77 - The Penny Stocks of Villains

This time out Andy and Mike stick to their mandate again and talk about Batman #336. For about 30 minutes. Then it kind of turns into a stream of tangents that are entertaining. They promise.

Jul 04, 2023
The Overlooked Dark Knight Episode 76 - JLMay 2023: Brave and the Bold #1

This time out Andy and Mike take part in this year's JLMay crossover, which is all about the 2007 BRAVE AND THE BOLD series. The guys are kicking this event off by talking about BRAVE AND THE BOLD #1, which featured a team-up between Batman and Green Lantern. For grins, they also look at BRAVE AND THE BOLD #134 from the original run of the series which was definitely a comic book story that took place over 17 pages. Then, for some reason, they talk about the MCU. It's a fun episode and be sure to check the show notes at the website for links to the other podcasts that are part of JLMay 2023!

Apr 30, 2023
The Superman and Lois Tapes Season 3 Episode 4 - Too Close To Home or Would You Care To Step Outside

The BAM Crew is back with a brand new episode. This time out they are talking about the fourth episode of SUPERMAN AND LOIS Season 4, which was titled Too Close to Home. While The Crew does discuss Kyle having to act as the go-between with Lana and Sarah as well as John Henry having a confrontation with Mannheim and Jordan's problems with his grandfather, the bulk of the conversation is made up of the fight (if you could even call it that) at the diner, which will live rent free in Mike's head forever. Plus, Bethany chooses The Most Punchable Face while Alison picks out The Most Aesthetically Pleasing person of the episode and Michael delivers an official Professor Bailey Superman 101 lesson on Clark Kent, Man of Action!

Apr 25, 2023
The Overlooked Dark Knight Episode 75 - Face the Face Part 2

This time out Andy and Mike finish their look at the One Year Later storyline FACE THE FACE. Hear Andy and Mike talk about the things that didn't work for them about the resolution of the story. Thrill to them discussing things they liked about it! Marvel at their discussion about DC Comics during the DiDio administration! This episode has it all! has most of it all. It has some. THIS EPISODE HAS SOME!

Apr 24, 2023
From Crisis to Crisis Episode 266 - Final Night Week 4: Emerald Dawn

Mike and Jeff finish the epic (and weekly) coverage of THE FINAL NIGHT! This time out they talk about Superman The Man of Steel #62, which features Emil Hamilton watching home videos in the Fortress as Superman struggles to help get power restored in Metropolis. Then, in FINAL NIGHT #4, Hal Jordan returns to help, but fails and the sun goes nova and everyone dies. Actually, that doesn't happen. But Hal does show up. Then, the boys look talk about the last few Final Night crossover issues, some of which actually have to do with Final Night!

Apr 20, 2023
It All Comes Back To Superman Episode 23 - Voice From Krypton - An Interview with Ed Gross

This time out I celebrate Superman's 85th birthday by talking with writer Ed Gross. Ed has a book titled Voices From Krypton - The Unofficial Unauthorized Oral History of Superman coming out in June, so I thought it would be fun to sit down with him and talk about his history with Superman, why he loves writing oral histories, why he wanted to do this book, and so much more!

Apr 18, 2023
The Overlooked Dark Knight Episode 74 - Face the Face Part 1

This time out Andy and Mike continue to shock and surprise by continuing to stick to their mandate by looking the first four parts of an overlooked Batman storyline. Eventually. They spend the first half of the episode catching up on DC movie news, which will either date the episode horribly or serve as a neat time capsule. Only time will tell. Then they talk about the first four chapters of Face the Face, the Batman storyline that was part of the whole One Year Later thing.

Apr 17, 2023
From Crisis to Crisis Episode 265 - Final Night Week 3: Shallow Graves

Mike and Jeff continue the epic (and weekly) coverage of THE FINAL NIGHT! This time out they talk about Action Comics #720, which has Superman dealing with the continued loss of his powers and a milita stealing tech from the SCU. Then, in FINAL NIGHT #3, things go from bad to worse. After that the boys talk about the FINAL NIGHT crossover issues that came out this same week!

Apr 13, 2023
The Superman and Lois Tapes Season 3 Episode 3 - In Cold Blood or Kids Make Bad Decisions on the Regular

The BAM Crew is back with a brand new episode. This time out they are talking about the third episode of SUPERMAN AND LOIS Season 3, which was titled In Cold Blood. Instead of being a weird adaptation of the Truman Capote novel, the episode turned out to be about Lois ditching chemo and the Crew had some things to say about that. They also discuss teenagers, why hitting kids isn't right, cool Superman moments and so much more!Plus, Bethany chooses The Most Punchable Face while Alison picks out The Most Aesthetically Pleasing person of the episode and Michael delivers an official Professor Bailey Superman 101 lesson on Skyhook!

Apr 11, 2023
The Overlooked Dark Knight Episode 73 - Don Newton is Awesome

This time out Andy and Mike continue to stick to their mandate by looking at a truly overlooked Batman comic! BATMAN #362 features a fantastic Riddler story, but it also features art by Don Newton. Andy is very keen on Don Newton's artwork and that's why he chose this particular book. That's it. That's the episode description.

Apr 10, 2023
From Crisis to Crisis Episode 264 - Final Night Week 2: Armageddon

Mike and Jeff continue the epic (and weekly) coverage of THE FINAL NIGHT! This time out they talk about ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN #540, which features the first appearance of a Pre-Crisis Legionnaire into the Post Crisis universe. Then, it's FINAL NIGHT #2, where things grow worse and worse know...sun eater. After that the boys talk about the FINAL NIGHT crossover issues that came out this same week!

Apr 06, 2023
The Superman and Lois Tapes Season 3 Episode 2 - Uncontrollable Forces or Uncontrollable Crying

The BAM Crew is back with a brand new episode. This time out they are talking about the second episode of SUPERMAN AND LOIS Season 3, which was titled Uncontrollable Forces. Uncontrollable Forces? Try uncontrollable crying! The Crew discusses the huge revelation from this episode, how cool it was for Bruno and Superman chatting, and the fate of Ex-Mayor Dean! Plus, Bethany chooses The Most Punchable Face while Alison picks out The Most Aesthetically Pleasing person of the episode and Michael delivers an official Professor Bailey Superman 101 lesson on Bruno Mannheim! Finally, YOUR FEEDBACK!

Apr 03, 2023
From Crisis to Crisis Episode 263 - Final Night Week 1: Armageddon

Mike and Jeff begin the epic (and weekly) coverage of THE FINAL NIGHT! This time out they talk about SUPERMAN #117, which doesn't really connect to FINAL NIGHT until the last page but is still a fun issue nonetheless. Then the main event! FINAL NIGHT #1! A being known as the Sun Eater has come latched on to the sun and the heroes and scientists of Earth must band together to stop it! Finally, the boys cover the crossover issues that came out the same week as the issue of FINAL NIGHT #1!

Mar 30, 2023
The Superman and Lois Tapes Season 3 Episode 1 - Closer or Insert NIN Lyric Here

The BAM Crew is back with a new season of the show covering the new season of SUPERMAN AND LOIS! CLOSER was a strong opening and left The Crew with a lot to unpack. Is Lois pregnant? How thirsty is the town of Smallville? What will Chrissy give the boys for their birthday? This and other questions are probably answered along with a bunch of other ones! Plus, Bethany chooses The Most Punchable Face while Alison picks out The Most Aesthetically Pleasing person of the episode and Michael delivers an official Professor Bailey Superman 101 lesson on Titano, Atomic Skull and Mechano Man! Finally, YOUR FEEDBACK!

Mar 23, 2023
From Crisis to Crisis Trailer - The Final Night

THE FINAL NIGHT IS UPON US! Or, it's coming to From Crisis to Crisis at least. Starting on March 30, 2023 FCTC is going weekly to cover this underrated and amazing event! Seriously. It will be weekly. They're all edited and everything.

Mar 09, 2023
The Overlooked Dark Knight Episode 72 - A Spooky Batman Story (with guest Jim Beard)

This time out Andy and Mike actually stick to their mandate...for once...and even brought along a guest. Writer Jim Beard joins the guys and even suggested the book they cover, which is BATMAN #252! Listen to all three of these Batman fans talk about The Spook and Alfred and Json Bard and Robin and even Danny Kaye!

Mar 06, 2023
The Overlooked Dark Knight Episode 71 - Batman The Movie Commentary

This time out Andy and Mike throw their mandate out the yak over BATMAN THE MOVIE! It's a commentary...with a few bouts of silence because the guys start watching the movie instead to talking over it. But it's fun. Promise.

Feb 20, 2023
The Overlooked Dark Knight Episode 70 - Yakking About Everything 2023

This time out Andy and Mike throw their mandate out the window and just talk about a whole bunch of things. Topics include how mainstream audiences can make or break a comic book film, Mike coming back to the Superman books, Mike and Andy's current state as comic book readers, asking if the single issue is dying as a vessel to tell comic book stories, Grant Morrison, and so much more!

Feb 06, 2023
From Crisis to Crisis Episode 262: The Death of Superman 30th Anniversary Special

Mike and Jeff take a quick sidetrip on their way to covering FINAL NIGHT to talk about THE DEATH OF SUPERMAN 30TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! The stories! The pin-ups! The covers! The boys talk about everything!

Jan 30, 2023
The Overlooked Dark Knight Episode 69 - The Real Year One Part 2

This time out Andy and Mike finish their two-part look at Batman Year One. Not the Frank Miller fueled story. No, no, no! They are looking at the first year of Batman's publication history by talking about Detective Comics issue 35 to 38 and Batman issue 1! They also talk about a bunch of other things in fun tangents that will amuse and delight. Or something.

Jan 16, 2023
The Overlooked Dark Knight Episode 68 - The Real Year One Part 1

This time out Andy and Mike begin a two-part look at Batman Year One. Not the Frank Miller fueled story. No, no, no! They are looking at the first year of Batman's publication history by talking about Detective Comics issue 27 to 34!

Jan 05, 2023
It All Comes Back To Superman Episode 22 - Mike's Year In Superman 2022

This time out I talk about my reactions to Superman books, movies, and televsion in the year 2022. What comics did I read? Why did I decide to start picking up the Superman books again? What do I think of the whole Henry Cavill situation? Why do I feel old? Listen and find out!

Dec 26, 2022
The Overlooked Dark Knight Episode 67 - Batman: Hidden Treasures

This time out Andy and Mike take a look at the 2010 one shot BATMAN HIDDEN TREASURES. This special features a (until then) never-before published story by Bernie Wrightson with scripting by Ron Marz. Andy and Mike talk about that and the reprint of SWAMP THING issue 7 as well as going off on a few tangents about SUPERMAN AND LOIS, Alan Moore, and other fun topics!

Jul 27, 2022
It All Comes Back To Superman Episode 21 - The Lost Conversations Part 2

This time out I present another not so lost episode which was supposed to be part one of a series of episodes leading up to ACTION COMICS 1000 back in 2018 but that never happened. The conversations I managed to record were a lot of fun so here is the second one which I recorded with Bob Fisher. We spend about an hour talking about the Superman story in ACTION COMICS 300!

Jul 25, 2022
The Overlooked Dark Knight Presents A Tribute To Neal Adams

This time out Andy and Mike devote another special episode to to a legendary comic book creator that passed away recently. Neal Adams revolutionized Batman as a character in the early seventies and became the template that is still followed to this day. Andy and Mike look at two Adams drawn Batman stories. One is the first appearance of a character that has a name that causes arguments in regards to how it is pronounced. The other has Batman fighting a werewolf. Not exactly overlooked, but the guys are making an exception for Neal.

Jul 13, 2022
It All Comes Back To Superman Episode 20 - The Lost Conversations Part 1

This time out I present a not so lost episode which was supposed to be part one of a series of episodes leading up to ACTION COMICS 1000 back in 2018 but that never happened. The conversations I managed to record were a lot of fun so here is the first one which I recorded with Jon Wilson. We spend about an hour talking about the Superman story in ACTION COMICS 100!

Jul 11, 2022
From Crisis to Crisis Episode 261: October 1996 Part 2

Mike and Jeff finish their coverage of cover date October 1996 with ACTION COMICS #726 and SUPERMAN THE MAN OF STEEL #61. Plus, the boys answer the question "Wha' Happened?" in the other Superman related books of that month.

Jul 07, 2022
The Superman and Lois Tapes Season 2 Episode 15 - Waiting for Superman or Waiting for the Other Shoe

Season 2 of SUPERMAN AND LOIS concludes and The BAM Crew (Bethany, Alison, and Michael) are back to discuss the fifteenth episode of S AND L Season 2 which was titled WAITING FOR THE SUPERMAN. The Crew talks about Superman throwing himself into the sun, the final fate of Lucy Lane, how the various sub-plots were resolved, the revelation about where this show fits into the Arrowverse, and so much more! Plus, Bethany chooses The Most Punchable Face while Alison picks out The Most Aesthetically Pleasing person of the episode and Michael delivers an official Professor Bailey Superman 101 lesson on The Parasite! Plus, YOUR FEEDBACK!

Jul 04, 2022