How to Spark Up Conversations that Boost Your Child’s Comfort with Math
NOV 02, 2021
Description Community

How do you help your child see math in everyday things? 

Math is everywhere. From the tick of your clock to the speed of your car, from the size of clothing to the measurements of your favorite cupcake recipe, math is everywhere. 

Tune in to this interview with Alice Aspinall, author of many children’s books, including Everyone Can Learn Math. A high school math teacher and a mom of two young kids, Alice has become a strong advocate of teaching a growth mindset. She continually looks for ways to build young people’s confidence in math and to make math fun, challenging, and friendly. Alice believes everyone can learn math and she is on a mission to prove it.

Alice and Allison discuss:

  • Alice’s story behind her children’s books and love of math [1.02]
  • How parents can have math conversations with their kids [5.55]
  • Alice’s experience, as a parent and as a teacher, with the Love Math Journal [8.24]
  • How parents bad-mouthing math can hinder their child’s math experiences [9.44]
  • How to make your kids see math in their lives and surroundings [11.33]
  • Why sympathizing with your kid’s dislike of math is NOT the solution! [16.38]

Connect with Alice Aspinall:

Connect with Allison Dillard

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