Is corner deepest position on this extremely deep team? | Will all five QBs stick around?
MAR 13, 2024
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Ohio State's 2024 roster is extremely talented and might be the deepest we can recall at several positions. Might cornerback be the deepest position group on this team, which is saying a lot? Matt Baxendell joins Dave Biddle to discuss the Buckeyes' corners, opine whether all five scholarship quarterbacks will still be here in the fall, analyze the way OSU's offensive line is shaping up and more football topics.
Also, is Jake Diebler suddenly on the verge of keeping the head men's basketball coaching gig long-term? Is he literally two wins away from accomplishing that, or would Ohio State also need to at least win a game or two in the NCAA Tournament? And yes, it's crazy we are even discussing this with a straight face. But it is reality in the madness that March brings.
All of that and more is coming your way on the Wednesday 5ish.

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