Mental Health Challenges: Dialogues on Optimizing Engagement in HIV Care
DEC 20, 2023
Description Community

In this podcast episode, Mark Brennan-Ing, PhD, and Nina I. Martinez discuss mental health challenges in people living with HIV and much-needed strategies to overcome these challenges to optimize engagement in HIV care, including:

  • The increased rates of mental health disorders and substance use among people living with HIV
  • How mental health disorders contribute to challenges with adherence to HIV treatment and engagement in care
  • How social isolation and stigma can affect outcomes despite access to HIV care and ART
  • The importance of mental health screenings as part of HIV care
  • Integrating mental health services into HIV care as a strategy to overcome mental health challenges being a barrier to care


Mark Brennan-Ing, PhD
Director of Research and Evaluation
Brookdale Center for Healthy Aging
Hunter College
The City University of New York
New York, New York

Nina I. Martinez
Public Health Consultant

Link to full program:

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