My Journey With HBV and HDV: Sharing Session 1
JAN 24
Description Community

In this episode, Nancy Reau, MD, and her patient discuss opportunities to optimize care for people living with hepatitis B virus and hepatitis delta virus, including:

  • The importance of patient education along the care continuum
  • Ensuring smooth transitions of care and communication between medical teams
  • Screening hepatitis delta in persons with chronic hepatitis B
  • Managing hepatitis delta, including considerations for clinical trials
  • Promoting patient advocacy


Nancy Reau, MD
Professor of Medicine 
Chief, Section of Hepatology
Associate Director, Solid Organ Transplantation
Richard B. Capps Chair of Hepatology
Rush University Medical Center
Chicago, Illinois

Content based on an online CME program supported by an independent educational grant from Gilead Sciences, Inc.

Link to full program:

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