The Beat with Joel Dunning Ep. 44
FEB 22
Description Community

This week on CTSNet’s flagship podcast, editor in chief Joel Dunning introduces his first editorial topic of the week in which he discusses current CT surgery issues, courts a bit of controversy, and invites comments and opposing views. 

In this episode, he focuses on the problems he sees with transcatheter aortic valve replacement and the benefits of surgical replacement before diving into additional news and content.

In addition, Joel discusses the newest TAVR vs SAVR data, aortic valve repair using an internal annuloplasty ring, and rapid discharge after lung resection.

He also talks about a session on mitral valve repair from the London Core Review, mediastinal envelope closure in minimally invasive Ivor Lewis Esophagectomy, and a video demonstrating PITAC. After discussing upcoming events in the CT surgery world, he closes with a remembrance of the late Dr. Alain Cribier, a pioneer in minimally invasive aortic surgery. 

JANS Items Mentioned

TAVI and SAVR Almost Equally Performed in California Patients Under 60

Midterm Outcomes of Aortic Valve Repair Using an Anatomically Shaped Internal Annuloplasty Ring

Rapid Discharge After Anatomic Lung Resection: Is Ambulatory Surgery for Early Lung Cancer Possible?

CTSNet Content Mentioned

Mitral Valve Repair Tips and Tricks: 2023 London Core Review Cardiothoracic Surgery Course

Mediastinal Envelope Closure in Total Minimally Invasive Ivor Lewis Esophagectomy

PITAC: Pressurized Intrathoracic Aerosol Chemotherapy

Other Items Mentioned

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