Turning Feral with Zach Hanson
OCT 30, 2023
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Turning Feral with Zach Hanson

Show Notes:


Zach Hanson joins me to chat about his book Turning Feral as well as his journey from a career in AI tech to hunting. He’s currently gearing up for trapping season, which is his big push every year. We start by talking about our plans for the early season and why we’re looking forward to the later season. In hunting, we know things don’t always go our way, and we chat about how our failures make us appreciate our successes a whole lot more.


Zach’s first hunting teacher was YouTube, as he didn’t have anyone close to him in the sport. He then learned about hunting from his in-laws, and he got some education down in Tennessee. Once he got out west, he realized it was a different ball game, and he took advantage of some guidance out there. Zach shares how his interest in hunting started from an interest in food. After his divorce, he went all in on hunting and moved out to Idaho, where he now calls home with his new wife and their children.


Zach and I talk about how his experience with sports helped him cultivate a mindset that’s perfect for hunting. We both share some stories about how we got ourselves out of a jam and how that made us feel a sense of achievement and resilience. We also discuss some of the stories included in Turning Feral, Zach’s plans for his software company for outfitters, and much more. 

What’s Inside:


  • How Zach moved from the world of AI into hunting

  • A sneak peek into Zach’s book, Turning Feral

  • Insights into Zach’s new software company for outfitters


Mentioned in this episode

Days In The Wild Podcast

Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone

Howl for Wildlife: https://www.howlforwildlife.org/

Turning Feral: A Modern Journey of Hunting, Trapping, and Living Intentionally in the Wilderness

Zach Hanson on Instagram 

Short Description:
Zach Hanson joins me to chat about his book Turning Feral as well as his journey from a career in AI tech to hunting. We both share some stories about how we got ourselves out of a jam and how that made us feel a sense of achievement and resilience. We also discuss some of the stories included in Turning Feral, Zach’s plans for his software company for outfitters, and much more.


big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories,

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