Head Injuries Boost Your Premature Death Risk
JAN 27, 2023
Description Community

Vidcast: https://youtu.be/LsH8-LbT2Vk

Suffering a head injury more than doubles your risk of dying at some time over a 30 year period. So say University of Pennsylvania neurologists who followed 13,037 adults, median age of 54, between 1987 and 2019.

Head injuries were experienced by 18% of the group. The risk of death for this cohort was 2 twice that of the non-injured group. That risk depended upon the number of head injuries experienced: one bumped the risk up 66% while 2 or more injuries increased the risk 211%. Severity matters too. Those sustaining mild head injuries had a 216% higher risk of death; those with moderate, severe, or penetrating injuries had 287% rise in death risk.

Don’t take chances with your head. During sports and recreational activities, DO wear protective headgear.


#headinjury #death #sports
