Hatching Pete
JUL 19, 2023
Description Community

This week, the randomizer goes all the way back to 2009 to pick yet another Disney Channel Original Movie, and in this case, it's a DCOM about that strange mysterious fantastical creature known colloquially as the "chicken." What is a chicken? Where did they come from? What do they want from us? Which came first, the chicken or the guy named Pete? What does a guy named Pete have to do with any of this? Why in God's name did the Disney Channel think it was a great idea to make a movie about a basketball mascot that's just an ugly chicken suit? Why is the town in said movie full of grown-ass adults with seemingly nothing better to do with their lives than obsess - there's no other word for it, OBSESS - over said ugly chicken suit? How long can you watch this movie before your nose starts bleeding? What's the meaning of life? What happens after we die? Regular or extra-crispy? And for the love of God, who the hell is Tommy? On this episode, we hope to answer at least none of those questions. Join Tony Goldmark, Morgan Funder, Brianna Garcia and Kit Leitmeyer as they name an egg "Pete" for some reason and take turns sitting on it for some completely unrelated other reason, and in the process hopefully succeed in HATCHING PETE!

Check out my guests' stuff!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheWire2
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/AnIdiotsLantern

Instagram: https://instagram.com/briannacherrygarcia 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BriannaCherry
YouTube: https://youtube.com/briberry 

Instagram: https://instagram.com/teatraybat 
TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@teatraybat1  

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