Panel Three: School Choice and Trust in Education
FEB 28, 2024
Description Community
Traditionally, education has been seen as instilling the common shared civic values that Americans have held for since the nation’s founding. As the educational establishment has become increasingly more progressive, many states have begun to offer alternatives to traditional public-school education, particularly in the wake of the Covid pandemic when many schools were shut down. This has included laws that allow for educational savings accounts, charter schools, and home-schooling. However, these proposals have met fierce opposition from the educational establishment, legislatures, and education unions. At the heart of this opposition is access to funding and the degree to which parents have the right to make educational decisions for their children. Will education choice laws restore balance to American education? How does this battle affect the trust in America’s educational system? Are there proposals that all sides agree upon that can restore a sense of shared civic values? How do these battles affect local school board races and what does that mean for representative government? Panelists will answer these questions as well as address some of the key educational questions affecting the Western States.

Hon. Clint Bolick Moderator, Justice, Arizona Supreme Court
Cara Fitzpatrick, Story Editor, Chalkbeat National
Tim Keller, Executive Director, The Institute for Justice Arizona Chapter
Erin Valdez, Policy Director, Next Generation Texas