Richard Hardin's GPWF: Abner and Many Christians 'R' Living and Dying As Fools!!
MAR 26, 2024
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King David in 11 Samuel 3:33-34, "And the king lamented over Abner(at Abners' funeral), and said 'Died Abner as a fool dieth? Thy hands were not bound, nor thy feet put into fetters: as a man falleth before wicked men, so fellest thou. And all the people wept again over him'." A fool is defined in the Bible as anyone who says there is no God (of the Bible), and carnal Christians living in disobedience to God's Word are living like fools or as if there is no God. When we live in ignorance and disobedience to God and His Word, (God and His Word are the same), we are living as a fool who openly says there is no God. Also, Christians living in false doctrines are in the same condition regardless how sincere they are because God will not back up the false beliefs that they profess regardless how dedicated they are to the false beliefs. So, regardless whether you choose to live in disobedience, or ignorance of God's Word or Will, satan will be gaining and having the advantage in areas of your life while you live as a "fool" and are rejecting or neglecting God's Pure Word, AND you will not have the victorious life of God's promises being fulfilled in your life and family. The devil will control when and how you die, unless in His Mercy God intervenes. As Christians seeking to serve God, we must not become lazy or complacent with God's Word, for His Word is established forever but we must be seeking to serve and obey God and His Word to have His promises come alive in our lives for protection, and the many other blessings God would want us to have if we would only obey Him. .****The story today is about a man, Abner, who didn't follow God's Word hundreds of years after it was given, but he should have, AND so should we! 6AM /Tue #GPWF #Christian or any time at (Podcasts)