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Be Impactful is presented by Impact Fashion, your destination for all things size inclusive modest fashion
I sit down with Masey Kaplan and Jen Simonic, the founders of The Loose Ends Project, who pair crafters with unfinished project of those who have passed. They share why they have so many more finishers than projects, how they pair the projects with the right finisher and how they preserve the work of the loved one.
Masey Kaplan is a graphic designer and voracious knitter. Knitting carried her through the pandemic, as she ravenously stitched below the Zoom line, where no one could see. She learned to crochet before kindergarten, learned to knit at the age of 15, re-learned knitting in her 20s, and has not stopped, even for a day. When she dies, her family knows to check the little book next to her bed, where they’ll find an illustrated guide to every project she’s making, and who gets what.
Jen Simonic has been knitting since she was 6. Her grandmother taught her on steel needles from WWII bandage making. She was the weirdo that knit under the desk in 6th grade. The first piece she finished for someone else was a sweater that a friend’s mom was making for her dad. That mom said “If I finish it he’ll leave me. You finish it and give it to someone who needs love.” Jen lives with her family in Seattle, WA. They love her even though her stash is taking over the house.
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Be Impactful is presented by Impact Fashion, your destination for all things size inclusive modest fashion