We often think of a plan as a list of things to do, but the farmers and consultants in this episode say it's about outlining your principles and developing a clear vision. In this episode the farmers encourage us to slow down, take a step back and learn from the landscape.
In this episode we hear from:
James Barnet - Grazing Management Consultant, RCS (rcsaustralia.com.au)
David Carr - Agroecologist, Stringybark Ecological (stringybarkecological.com.au)
Kirsty and Andrew Hambrook - Terrewah Farm (terrewahfarm.com.au)
Chris Andrew - General Manager, Black Duck Foods (blackduckfoods.org)
Josh Gilbert - Indigenous agriculturalist (gilbertjoshuam.com)
Produced by growloveproject.com on behalf of Greater Sydney Local Land Services