JAN 22, 2024
Description Community

Join Kenny Troiano and Frank Bradley, as they discuss the misconceptions surrounding “who is most important, the cock, or the hen.” The discussion about who is more valuable, the cock or hen, is as old as the chicken itself. It has been a huge debate for as long as I can remember. Everyone has an opinion, but who is right? Many say it’s the cock. But when you look at it more closely, you see how superficial their reasoning actually is. It’s based on old wive’s tales and superstitions. It’s not practical or realistic. On the other hand, many have said that the hen is more important, but very few know why. This way of thinking makes the selecting of hens, ones that have the ability to improve strains, much harder. How can you create or improve your strains, if you don’t know who is more important, cock or hen, and why? In this episode we will discuss this very controversial subject, and hopefully shed new light, and open your mind to a new way of thinking. Make sure to join us, because this is a show you do not want to miss.

We specialize in breeding, and breeding related topics. This includes proper selection practices and the use of proven breeding programs. It is our mission to provide our followers and members a greater understanding of poultry breeding, poultry genetics, poultry health care and disease prevention, and how to improve the production and performance ability of your fowl. 

If you are interested in creating a strain, or improving your established strain, you are in the right place. 

We also want to encourage you to join us at the Breeders Academy, where we will not only help you increase your knowledge of breeding and advance your skills as a breeder, but improve the quality and performance of your fowl.

If you would like to learn more, go to: https://www.breedersacademy.com

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