Thursday Night CrossFit Talk | Faul States "Significant" Money to be Removed from Sport
FEB 16
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Scott, Jamie and Special Co-Host Carolyne Prevost talk about the current hot topics of the CrossFit World. Faul on Kettlebells & Cocktails, Open Matchups, What are Jamie and Carolyne's goals for the upcoming season.
Scotts health updates

Mal O’Brien not competing this year.

Lazar leaves Mayhem

Jamie’s versus series

Don Faul says a significant amount of money will be pulled from the Games team and used to support the Affiliates
What does this mean for the Sport?  What are the Affiliates asking for? Does the Money need to be equitable for the needs of both sides? Quote from Dale King on KB and cocktails

Week 2 open announcement - Medeiros v Mertens (is this a lot for mertens with Taylor v Mertens also in Week 3)

Masters and Teens games expectations - kit.
How important is the athlete kit?? How is this saving crossfit money? 3 venues, 3 equipment shipments.

Athletes coming back after a drug ban (ie., Henrik Oskarsson)- Should these athletes be tested prior to coming back ? 

Open predictions 

Can you have balance and win the CrossFit Games, Carolyne you are the epitome of balance interested in your take (From Death By)

From TDC podcast- Vendor village not attached directly to the venue- “it’s a few hundred meters away, it’s a walk, its not right next to it, it’s going to have a different feeling…’’ Planning big breaks between events to hopefully drive people there… thoughts for vendors ?
