Total Eclipse April 8th, 2024 with Astronomer Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez
MAR 22, 2024
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Total eclipses are a spectacular and breathtaking wonder to behold. And a total eclipse is coming over the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex as well as parts of the eastern United States on April 8th, 2024. Totality in the DFW area will last a little over four minutes.  If you are in the vicinity of DFW, come join Wayne and Dan in Waxahachie, Texas on April 8th, 2024 for the Discovery Institute event. You can find tickets here at this link.

Waxahachie, Texas will be nearly in the center of the moon's shadow as it passes over. There will not be another total eclipse over the continental United States for another twenty years. So if you can, get yourself to a spot where you can see this once-in-a-lifetime wonder of the heavens on April 8th.

You can check out this comprehensive eclipse event website, complete with easy-to-read maps of where you can view it.

On this episode of Good Heavens! we had the privilege of talking with Discovery Institute astronomer Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez about his experiences in seeing total eclipses and a little bit about the science behind them and how he thinks they reveal the glory of God.

Guillermo's article on Salvo.

Guillermo and Jay W. Richard's 2004 book, The Privileged Planet.

Four-page Profile articles on Naturalism, Scientism, and Carl Sagan's Cosmos TV series.


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