Ep. 46 - Eponymy and the Sexagesimal Spiral
JAN 26, 2021
Description Community

Even though there is a Multiplication Map attributed to Tesla, I've taken liberties to call it Birchak's Sumerian Sexagesimal Spiral, because of eponymy. If none of this makes sense, it will once you listen to my latest podcast on eponymy. 

For more pictures and descriptions of the sexagesimal spiral, along with other stories about the history of math and science, please come visit me at www.MathScienceHistory.com.

And while you're there, feel free to buy me a cup of coffee to support the podcast and the blog!

Until next time, carpe diem!


All Music by Lloyd Rodgers - Public Domain - http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Lloyd_Rodgers - http://lloydrodgers.com/
