Your Pregnant Well-Being and Baby with Dr. Cherese Collins [eps005]
JUN 01, 2021
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"We, as women tend to keep our emotions inside and tend to take care of everybody else and leave ourselves last. So we don't do a good enough job of self-care at all. Now, with the pandemic, a lot of us have gotten lost."

Dr. LJ Punch talks about Women’s Health, OBGYN and Pregnancy in the Era of Covid with Dr. Cherese Collins.

Many specialties looking at your bladder, your lungs, your heart or your individual physical condition. With OB/GYN, because of hormones, practitioners have to look at your entire well-being. Your entire well-being is based upon your hormones.

In this episode you'll hear:
- How COVID is changing the experience of making new humans and how it burdens pregnant bodies.

- How practitioners are helping people get through pregnancy and helping bring forth new life.

- How docs are advising people who are thinking about getting pregnant or people who are pregnant in the era of COVID.

- What is the role of vaccines in pregnant bodies and what are people saying about their considerations?

- What can we discern from studies that showed that babies born to mothers who had COVID were born with antibodies to COVID.

- How the choice for your body to get the vaccine, may not just be about protecting yourself.

- What happens with your immune system when pregnant.

- How pregnancy puts your body into an automatic immunocompromised state and down-regulates to accommodate and protect your baby.

#WMTMM | eps 005 | "It All Matters to Me Because It’s Part of You" with Dr. Cherese Collins
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