E475: True Strength and Philosophy with Brendan Tietz
MAR 06, 2024
Description Community

Shallow reconnects with Brendan Tietz, a former powerlifter and now a holistic coach. Tietz discusses the importance of following practitioners and academics in order to gain practical advice and grounded knowledge. He also discusses the impact of social media on human behavior and the importance of navigating life and health through meditation and practices.

Transitioning from Powerlifting to Holistic Coaching (00:03:21)
Evolution of Consciousness through Meditation. (00:11:18)
Red Flags in the Mindfulness and Meditation Space (00:31:23)
Practical Advice: Following Practitioners and Academics (00:36:59)
Four Ways of Knowing in Cog Sci (00:39:15)
Diversifying Knowledge and Perspectives (00:41:36)
Intersection of Social Media and Internal Growth (00:42:53)
Finding Balance in Sharing Personal Life on Social Media (00:48:32)
Dangers of Social Media and Reward Pathways (00:51:13)
Impact of Social Media on Human Behavior (00:56:16)
Navigating Life and Health through Meditation and Practices (00:59:33)
Measuring Progress through Passion and Sensations (01:04:44)
Staying Sharp and Looking for the Next Edge (01:09:02)

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Dr. Jordan Shallow: https://www.instagram.com/the_muscle_doc/

Dr. Jordan Jiunta: https://www.instagram.com/redwiteandjordan/
