I’m back with Dr Benjamin Hardy to walk through his personal values, motives, and habits in the key areas of life fulfillment. His books have sold hundreds of thousands of copies, and his blogs have been read by hundreds of millions. His latest book is Be Your Future Self Now and was our topic in part one of our discussion, in episode 1047. I actually walked through Dr Benjamin Hardy’s habits for success in March 2018 when I had him on the show, so here we really looked at how his values and habits have changed since then. He is not his future self, four years later. And attesting to the power of really looking at who is is becoming, he shares a lot of his own evolution. Some highlights...spiritually he recognizes his past self was a lot more human doing, than human being, and his continued desire to slow down and...be. This is the top of my list as well. Relationally, even though four years ago he says he was a devoted father, in some ways he had not truly embraced being a parent like he's striving to today, making it more of a priority and sacred role. He is also growing to be much more relationally oriented and collaborative in his life. We get into an interesting discussion he credits Dan Sullivan for bringing to him, of relationally being a buyer more than a seller, and our propensity to all generally be trying to sell ourselves to others. In health and wellness he culminates by admitting he's overall just striving to be better to himself, and what this looks like. Mentally he is working to be less reactive and with money he talks about his chosen perspective of everything happening for you, not to you. You'll hear more in the episode. Ben’s new book, Be Your Future Self Now, can be found everywhere, and check this out, if you’ll go to futureself.com/free, those of you in America can get free Kindle codes and get the book…free! No catch. He just bought a ton of codes and offered them to me to share with you. You can connect with him at benjaminhardy.com. Self-Help(ful) is presented by Ziglar, the most trusted brand in personal and business development impacting over 250 million people worldwide. Visit Ziglar.com to see how they can inspire your true performance.