214: Soul-level Success
JUL 05, 2023
Description Community

What do our souls deem true “success?” And how do we handle the fears, limiting beliefs, and self-doubts that will inevitably come up when we commit to creating a “next level” soul-based life? My guest Diana Long @dianadrakelongcoaching is a transformational Master Certified Coach & Trainer.  She is known as the "Results Catalyst" and was recognized as one of the top 4% of professional coaches worldwide by the International Coach Federation. Her book, Dream It, Design It, Live It: The Ultimate Guide to Manifesting Your Next Level Life, launches Fall 2023.


  • A powerful technique to instantly magnetize to you what you desire

  • How to incorporate visceral perception in decision making

  • 3 elements of a dedicated morning practice: Clearing, Connection, Intention

  • Following divine breadcrumbs in discovering your soul path

  • The Over-Thinking Antidote - how to get rapid traction & faster results by putting down your left-brain logical plan and following the flow of inspiration & your heart


Find her: dianalong.com

