Hydrogen might be the key to a clean energy future, but only if it can be made without fossil fuels. Most hydrogen today is made from methane.
With generous government tax credits and enthusiasm for sustainable technology, the race is on for green hydrogen.
Craig Bettenhausen, our usual host, guides C&EN associate editor Gina Vitale through the hydrogen rainbow and how the periodic table’s number 1 element could become the number 1 fuel.
C&EN Uncovered, a new project from C&EN’s podcast, Stereo Chemistry, offers a deeper look at subjects from recent cover stories. Read Bettenhausen’s July 3, 2023, cover story about hydrogen electrolyzers at cenm.ag/hydrolyzers.
A transcript of this episode will be available soon at cen.acs.org.
Executive producer: Gina Vitale
Host: Gina Vitale
Cover story reporter: Craig Bettenhausen
Audio editor: Brian Gutierrez
Story editor: Michael McCoy
Copyeditor: Sabrina Ashwell
Show logo design: William A. Ludwig
Episode artwork: Nel
Music: “Hot Chocolate” by Aves
Contact Stereo Chemistry: Tweet at us @cenmag or email cenfeedback@acs.org.