Heathy Sexuality!!! Dr. Kaye Renshaw, Licensed Professional Counselor is in private practice in Amarillo Texas where she has practiced for 29 years. Join us for a fascinating look at being human and how you can improve your relationships and connections across the board. Dr. Renshaw works with individuals, couples and families in all areas of general psychology and concerns with sexuality throughout the life span. No topic was off limits!
Dr. Renshaw practices in office at 7480 Golden Pond Place, Suite 400, Amarillo Texas, 79121. She also offers Telehealth Services via secure web platform.
Contact Dr. Renshaw: kaye.renshaw@gmail.com
Referenced Resources:
Love and Sex after 60 - Holly WrightSex After 70: The Definitive Guide to Making Love After 70 - Holly Wright
Couple Sexuality After 60 Barry McCarthy and Emily McCarthy
More Great Sex after 50 - Eve Cappello
Sex After Seventy: It Gets Better: The Detailed Sex Guide for Mature Thinking Adults and for Seniors - James A. Grant
To Contact Joni for Coaching: wakeupwithjoni@gmail.com