A Conversation About Mental Health and Grief with GRAZE
NOV 30, 2023
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Several years ago, a few zoo professionals recognized the growing need for better access to mental health resources for their peers.  Together they formed Growing Resiliency for Aquarium and Zoo Employees or GRAZE for the purpose of "bringing mental health support to those in the zoo and aquarium industry by raising awareness, sharing ideas, resources, and tools." The GRAZE team of Erin McNally, LVT; Shannon McKinney & Hannah Fullmer discuss the nature of grief and how their company helps zoo professionals at all levels by providing Proactive Programing, Support Services, and Critical Incident Response. According to the GRAZE team, the key to coping with grief that comes with loss is a willingness to make oneself vulnerable--an animal caretaker trait that has historically been discouraged.

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