CLICK BELOW TO LEARN MORE ABOUT TODAY’S GUESTS, OUR CO-HOSTS AND SPONSOR. GUESTS: John Carney ( Eric Gottschling ( Amir Ghavi ( CO-HOSTS: Chitra Kalyanaraman ( David Powsner ( SPONSOR: Licensing Executive Society USA/Canada (
CLICK BELOW TO LEARN MORE ABOUT TODAY’S GUESTS, OUR CO-HOSTS AND SPONSOR. GUEST: Efrat Kasznik ( Host: David Powsner ( SPONSOR: Licensing Executive Society USA/Canada (
You can listen to more episodes of the Five-Minute Update podcast on your Apple Podcast Player. Apple and Android users, visit us here:
Episodes 1 - 20 of the “Five-Minute Update” are hosted on Apple Podcasts. We will migrate them here for the listening pleasure of non-Apple users shortly.
Join the “5-Minute Update” in a discussion of LES AM 2022, an annual meeting in the making. On today's episode are Efrat Kasznik and David Powsner. You can read about them and the sponsor of this podcast, the Licensing Executive Society of USA/Canada, at the links below.
Join the “5-Minute Update” in a discussion of licensing as a strategic partner.
Join the “5-Minute Update” in a discussion of software licensing.
Join the “5-Minute Update” in a discussion of privacy laws.
Join the “5-Minute Update” in a discussion of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and blockchain.
Join the “5-Minute Update” in a discussion of whether price is all that really matters in a licensing agreement.
Join a team of IP lawyers from the Licensing Executive Society in a longer discussion of Google v Oracle, a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision on software copyright.
Join a team of IP lawyers from the Licensing Executive Society in a discussion of Google v Oracle, a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision on software copyright.
Some things take a lot of time and effort. When you finally get ‘em, you gotta flaunt ‘em. It’s only natural. Running for president, for example. And, we don’t mean student counsel. We’re talking the big kahuna. President o’ the United States. America, that is. Black gold. Texas tea. (Oops. Got a little off track, there. The “Beverly Hillbillies” theme is a tenacious ear worm). Being awarded a patent by the good ole’ United States Patent & Trademark Office is like winning the presidency. (Nice segue, huh? Smooth). Either way, you gotta’ flaunt it. Or, at least some feel that way. Take the dispute in Myco Industries v Blephex, a recent case out of the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals. The defendant, a patent owner, apparently couldn’t help flaunt his to a competitor (and, possibly a customer or two) at a trade show. A lawsuit ensued and, next thing you know, there’s an injunction, an appeal and, voila, an episode of . Join us and learn what some of the bounds are when it comes to openly accusing a competitor of patent infringement.