


The iWork4Him show hosts, Jim and Martha Brangenberg interview people like you and me that are taking their faith to work, authors who are writing about it, and workplace ministries that are teaching whole-life discipleship. Each episode helps listeners to be better equipped as Christians in their work and help them recognize that their workplace IS their mission field.

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1158 episodes

Shifting Mountains of Culture

Meet the patriarch of the Faith and Work Movement: Os Hillman. Hear his journey around “calling” and studying God’s word on faithful work. And catch a glimpse of the faith and work movement, where it’s been and where it’s headed. Featured Guest:  Os Hillman Workplace / Ministry:  Marketplace Leaders http://www.marketplaceleaders.org/

Dec 27, 2022
The Business Cost of Divorce

What does divorce cost you, the employer?  More than you think. Tune into this podcast with Jim and Martha Brangenberg, avid marriage mentors, and hear about the hard costs, and potential options employers can offer their employees. Featured Guests:  Jim & Martha Brangenberg Workplace / Ministry:  Join the 50 50 CHALLENGE! – iWork4Him.com

Dec 20, 2022
Lead people, manage things

It’s okay to make a profit in your business, isn’t it? What’s the difference between leading and managing? Tune in to this podcast to hear the answers to some provocative questions like these, from Bobby Albert, of Values-Driven Leadership. Featured Guest:  Bobby Albert Workplace / Ministry:  Bobby Albert

Dec 13, 2022
Wise Counsel

Every business is a ministry and…every ministry is a business.  Hear about the Wise Counsel round-table group and from some of their members, and how to build businesses with a solid foundation of character, morals and spiritual principles. Featured Guest:  John Beehner, with Glen Hettinger & Harry Lewis Workplace / Ministry:  Wise Counsel

Dec 06, 2022
Not Done, RE-DONE

Is it possible to have a new purpose at 65? Why yes, yes it is. Hear a not-done-yet story of business ownership, from Lyle and Sara Squires – a married couple who God decided they should do it again. For His Glory. Featured Guests: Lyle & Sara Squires Workplace / Ministry: Office Pride

Nov 29, 2022
Measuring success, by looking back

How do YOU measure success in your work? Hear from the Housh’s who own a roofing company that gives all the glory to Christ. Hear about what Arry means when he says they measure success by looking back. Featured Guests:  Arry & Becky Housh Workplace / Ministry:  Arry's Roofing

Nov 22, 2022
So, I went looking…

Where do you go looking for Christ? Jon Dengler, bike enthusiast, bike shop owner and now bike minister, shares his story of finding Christ through LSD, and on the streets with the homeless.  Another bike brother and fellow minister, Pat Simmons shares Bikes for Christ. Featured Guests: Patrick Simmons & Jon DenglerWorkplace / Ministry: Bikes4Christ – Well Built Bikes

Nov 15, 2022
Core Values = Decision Filters

Could owning a franchise change your life? Quite possibly, it could be your calling. Greg Carr, left his job, left his state (sounds like an Abraham assignment) and started a business with a lot of faith and little else. Featured Guest: Greg CarrWorkplace / Ministry: Office Pride

Nov 08, 2022
Tombstone or Stepping-stone?

Is your life filled with tombstones or stepping stones? Meet Dr. Dan Middlebrooks of Chaplaincy Care, Inc and his soul-saving organization that is bringing hope, healing and salvation to first responders. Featured Guest:  Dr. Dan Middlebrooks, Susan Bradford, Jim Wilson, Larry RodgersWorkplace / Ministry:  Chaplaincy Care, Inc

Nov 01, 2022
Your Next Day at Work, Your Next Career Move

Ever wonder if you’re living your calling? Dr. Chip Roper and friends are living in their calling, thanks to the work of the Voca Center in the City that Never Sleeps – New York! Hear about their work and nuggets of wisdom on how to live YOUR calling. “Too many people are going to work every day, without a sense of calling.” ~ Dr. Chip Roper Enter the Voca (short for vocation) Center in New York City.  Let’s go ahead and define vocation from a biblical perspective: a strong impulse or inclination to follow a particular activity or career. A divine call to God's service or to the Christian life. A function or station in life to which one is called by God.  The VOCA Center provides faith-based training, coaching, and connections to make people’s work all that God designed it to be.   Assessing your skillsets for your job today or your next work calling. What roles have you been in and how is God using you? Dr. Chip Roper, the President and Chair of the board of directors shares several stories of what happened with two specific folks that went through the program at The VOCA Center and are NOW living their calling! “Vocation points to two areas: it’s about your next day at work. And it’s about your next career move.” ~ Dr. Chip Roper When’s the last time you stopped and thought about your job? Is it your VOCATION?  The word is derived from the Latin word VOCARE, meaning to name or to call.  That means your vocation is actually your calling. Most of us work, and are often working hard, and perhaps even working diligently for the Lord…. but are we working in our chosen calling? Dorothy Sayers, in her 19 century essay WHY WORK, said this: “Work is not, primarily, a thing one does to live, but the thing one lives to do. It is, or it should be, the full expression of the worker’s faculties, the thing in which he finds spiritual, mental and bodily satisfaction, and the medium in which he offers himself to God.” S,o how about YOU? If you’re not working your CALLING, we challenge you to listen to this podcast. And then go on a journey to find it. Featured Guest:  Dr. Chip Roper, Marci Miller, Edwin DepnerWorkplace / Ministry:  The Voca Center

Oct 25, 2022

Forget normal, let’s live a SUPER-normal life! Dr. Jim Harris joins us for a high-octane conversation that just may turn your perspective inside-out! Learn how to live super-naturally in your work. It’s a gift! Featured Guest:  Dr. Jim HarrisWorkplace / Ministry:  Dynatos Global

Oct 18, 2022
The Most Profitable Job

A construction company built with wisdom. John DeAngelis shares about his biblically-based business practices and how he built a successful commercial construction company – and how Giant Worldwide helped! Featured Guest: John DeAngelis & Mike OppedahlWorkplace/Ministry: DeAngelis Diamond Construction & GIANT Worldwide

Oct 11, 2022
Before You Hit Send

Emails–they are useful, but can get us in trouble… don’t we all know it! We interviewed noted relationship expert, Emerson Eggerichs, to talk about his recent book and get us into some new, better emailing habits. Featured Guest: Emerson Eggerichs, PhDWorkplace/Ministry: Love & Respect Ministries

Oct 04, 2022
The Lost Art of Mutual Respect

Undercover Boss made her famous. Christ makes her an excellent leader. Hear the story of the Dwyer Group with Dina Dwyer-Owens, her views on the dog-eat-dog world for women as executives, and the environment for women who lead with faith. Featured Guest: Dina Dwyer-OwensMinistry/Workplace: Neighborly Brands & Dina Dwyer-Owens

Sep 27, 2022
YOUR Kingdom Calling – Part II

What is a Kingdom calling? Do you have one? ‘Kingdom Calling’ is one of the top 5 Faith and Work books ever written. Her perspective on our work is life- and work-changing. Featured Guest: Dr. Amy ShermanMinistry/Workplace: Vocational Stewardship

Sep 20, 2022
YOUR Kingdom Calling – Part I

Do YOU understand your Kingdom calling? Even if you do, take a listen. Dr. Amy Sherman wrote the definitive book on faith and work ‘Kingdom Calling’, and her book is a great place to start! She wants us Christ-followers to cause rejoicing in the city because of how God is using us. Featured Guest: Dr. Amy ShermanMinistry/Workplace: Vocational Stewardship

Sep 13, 2022
Someone God Can Use: Overwhelmed & Underqualified – Part II

There is such a thing as a Kingdom business: So, what does that look like?  Enter Betenbough Homes out of Lubbock, Texas. They have the formula and share it with others through Kingdom At Work. Featured Guest: Rick & Holly Betenbough and Casey BrewerMinistry/Workplace: Kingdom at Work & Betenbough Homes

Sep 06, 2022
Someone God Can Use: Overwhelmed & Underqualified – Part I

Is your business your ministry? Want it to be? Look no further for great role models, and business models, than Betenbough Homes and its Christian Leadership outreach: Kingdom at Work. Featured Guest: Rick & Holly Betenbough and Casey BrewerMinistry/Workplace: Kingdom at Work & Betenbough Homes

Aug 30, 2022
The ACTUAL Culture War – Part II

Challenge your Christianity. You’ll be challenged, maybe even a tad offended by Carmen LaBerge, a “truth-telling it like it is” radio talk show host, who shares her views on really LIVING like a Christ-follower, in every conversation. Featured Guest: Carmen LaBergeMinistry/Workplace: Reconnect with Carmen

Aug 23, 2022
The ACTUAL Culture War – Part I

Are you speaking the TRUTH all day, in all convos? We had the honor of having Christian radio talk show host, Carmen LaBerge, with us to hear how she works daily to make sure that we ALL see God in the details of current events. Featured Guest: Carmen LaBergeMinistry/Workplace: Reconnect with Carmen

Aug 16, 2022
Connecting People with Purpose

How do you go about changing an entire city for God? We find out at the headquarters of the Austin Bridge Builders Alliance in Texas. They don’t build highway bridges, but they build relationship bridges between marketplace Christ-followers. Featured Guest: Tony Dale, Rich Carney, Tammy McKinney, Felicia Betancur, J PierMinistry/Workplace: Austin Bridge Builders & Sedera Health

Aug 09, 2022
Super Success, Super Emptiness

What happens when the Lord gives you the world by the time you’re 40? We found out with Ward Brehm and his book – ‘Bigger Than Me’. Ward got super transparent about how success left him empty. And what God did with that emptiness. Featured Guest: Ward BrehmMinistry/Workplace: Bigger Than Me

Aug 02, 2022
Advanced Accountability

What’s it mean to be REALLY accountable? What’s it look like to work in a company that puts accountability at the top of its core values? Hear how it affects company culture, from Philip Struble, President of a national urban-engineering company. Featured Guest: Phil StrubleMinistry/Workplace: Zebedee & Sons Fishing Company

Jul 26, 2022
Ready For a Job Change?

A job change CAN change your life… but you need to be prepared for that kind of decision. Dr. Andrew Spencer’s life changed when he did, and God led him to five questions to ask yourself before making the switch. Featured Guest: Dr.Andrew Spencer Ministry/Workplace: Ethics & Culture

Jul 19, 2022
Be Busy, Not Hurried – Part II

Is there a benefit to rest while we work? Find out what an Unhurried Leader is from the author, Alan Fadling, as he schools us on “unhurried living and working”. Find out how to be an unhurried leader and their secrets to “success”. You can start now by slowing down and listening NOW! Featured Guest: Alan FadlingMinistry/Workplace: Unhurried Living

Jul 12, 2022
Be Busy, Not Hurried – Part I

What’s the payoff to slowing down? We find out from Alan Fadling, author of “The Unhurried Leader”. Hear the value of slowing down. Unhurried leaders understand the importance of certain things they DON’T do. Slow down and listen to this life-changing conversation. Featured Guest: Alan FadlingMinistry/Workplace: Unhurried Living

Jul 05, 2022
It’s Time for a Break

Let’s celebrate a few milestones today! In the past nine years, we have produced 2,200 podcasts and interviewed over 3,500 people. In addition, we have written a weekly blog for over 470 weeks, written three books, created and produced a 1-minute weekday PowerThought for podcast and radio, traveled thousands of miles, and met so many incredible people – BUT it’s time for a break.  Throughout Scripture, God gives us great examples of REST, including at the very beginning of creation, and we know that we’ve failed to practice and obey them. In today’s show, we share honestly about what God is telling us and how we need to get serious rest so that we can walk in obedience in all He is asking of us. So, we want to invite you to embark with us in this new season of restoration and relationship. Won’t you commit to incorporating the iWork4Him Nation pledge into our summer? Get to know our neighbors at home and work – spend some time grilling out, hosting potlucks, and relationship building. I know we will! See you this fall! Guests: Jim and Martha Brangenberg Ministry/ Workplace: iWork4Him

Jul 01, 2022
A Front Row Seat

Can a business round table change your life? Yes. Hear member stories and testimonies on how the power of Truth at Work executive round table groups are impacting lives both inside the workplace – and out. Hear from TAW’s CEO as he shares his vision and how you can get involved. Featured Guest: David Holly, Jim LangeMinistry/Workplace: Truth at Work

Jun 28, 2022
Run Toward Your Goliaths

Sometimes the path to our calling takes many turns. Dr. Eli Jones shares his story in his new book Run Toward your Goliaths. Despite being a first-generation college student, Eli’s childhood was full of first-rate learning experiences! His parents were entrepreneurial, and his dad’s work truck was often a classroom for Eli. After graduating college, Eli took several unexpected career turns. Still eventually, he ended up back in school to get his Ph.D., where Eli indeed found his calling as a teacher and writer! Eli’s unchanging life mission has been to transform lives, and through teaching principles that come from the Bible – he is able to do just that. Higher education is fertile soil for connecting faith to learning. At Texas A&M, there are so many ways to visibly carry that out through the Christian Faculty Network and Breakaway ministry happening on campus, where Eli is deeply involved. For the chance to win a copy of Eli’s book, Run Toward Your Goliaths, call the listener line at 866-713-9675 (WORK)! Guests: Dr. Eli Jones Ministry/ Workplace: Texas A&M University; EliJones.com

Jun 24, 2022
How to Live in Extraordinary Expectation of What’s Around the Corner, PT 2

James Barnett had a childhood of road trips to treasure.  Most of us would reminisce about the memories happily and leave it at that. Not James! He has allowed God to take those road trip lessons to shape his leadership at home and at work, in his role as President of DaySpring.  His many life lessons include learning who is in control, Why God vs What God, and helping others see what they can’t see in themselves.  Even now, James’ parents haven’t lost their sense of adventure and hit the road again for a family adventure to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary. In this episode, we learn from James’ example to constantly learn from every experience God gives us. So many great nuggets in this interview with James Barnett and his new book, Blue Skies: How to Live in Extraordinary Expectation of What’s Around the Corner.   For the chance to win a signed copy of James’ book, call the listener line at 866-713-9675! Guest: James Barnett Ministry/Workplace: DaySpring

Jun 23, 2022