The Franciska Show



Enjoy the all new relaunched show on which Franciska hosts interesting conversations around topics that are unspoken within the Orthodox Jewish Community. Franciska interviews every day frum people on personal topics in an uncensored way, yet with great sensitivity.
If you are an intellectual Jew of any kind, you will enjoy these episodes.

Franciska launched her career as CEO of Kay Productions LLC, a white glove podcast production & promotion agency from building an audience for her Jewish original music through podcasting herself.
If you are thinking of launching a podcast or simply are looking to outsource the production & promotion - book a call with Franciska to get you started.

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300 episodes

Beyond Survival: Stories of Resilience & Hope in Hard Times - with Shira Nebenzahl Meuchas

Delve into a family's poignant experience in Israel amidst conflict, portraying resilience, community support, and the struggle to maintain normalcy. Through displacement, coping strategies, and global solidarity, the narrative unveils the intertwining themes of trust, adversity, and steadfast determination.   About Our Guest: * * * * Shira Nebenzahl Meuchas is a freelance project manager. She works for the International Resilience Center of Sderot, where she and her family have been living for the past 4 years. In her "free time" Shira is part of the leadership of a community on Sderot, believing that community is a tool for resilience. *   * Shira is married to Yedidya, who is serving currently in Miluim, and they have 2 sons. Since Simchat Tora, she has moved around with her kids for over two weeks after the war broke out until they settled temporarily in Jerusalem where they were B"H able to create stability. * * * * * * Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network.

Apr 02
Most Agunot get their GETs, You Just Don’t Know About Them, Because We Do Our Job - with Keshet Starr

Episode on Chochmat Nashim with Flatbush Girl: This episode features an in-depth conversation with Keshet Starr, CEO of ORA (Organization for the Resolution of Agunot), exploring the complex issue of Jewish divorce refusal. Starr discusses the organization's multifaceted approach to assisting individuals facing such situations, emphasizing the importance of early intervention, legal and communal strategies, and the role of Halakhic prenups in preventing and resolving divorce refusals.   The conversation also addresses the broader implications of advocacy and community involvement in these sensitive matters, highlighting the necessity of both public and behind-the-scenes efforts to effect change and support affected individuals. Additionally, Starr advocates for a nuanced understanding of rabbinic roles and stresses the collective responsibility to address and mitigate the challenges associated with Jewish divorce refusal. Helpline: +1-844-OSF-LINE   Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network.

1h 1m
Mar 26
Learning vs. Serving, - Is it a Cop Out? - with Rabbi Scott Kahn

* About this episode: *   * Throughout the conversation, Rav Scott Kahn discusses the challenging dynamics between Charedi and Dati Lumi communities in Israel, especially in light of military service disparities and societal contributions during times of conflict. He also touches upon the issue of religious and political leadership within the Charedi community and suggests the need for innovative solutions to address current challenges. This episode provides insight into significant topics affecting Orthodoxy today and explores personal and communal responsibilities in the context of modern-day Israel. *   * About our guest: *   * Scott Kahn is the Founder and CEO of Jewish Coffee House, the host of the Orthodox Conundrum Podcast and co-host of Intimate Judaism, and a veteran educator. Scott is a Rabbi and was formerly a Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshivat Yesodei HaTorah in Israel. He and his wife Aliza live in Ramat Beit Shemesh with their seven children. *   * * * * *   *   * Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network.

Mar 19
My Service in Gaza & Life After - with Isaac Nadoff

  About The Episode: In this episode Isaac Nadoff, an IDF reservist, shares his compelling story. Raised in Pittsburgh with a religious upbringing, Isaac details his decision to enlist in the Israeli army after a life-changing conversation with his brother. He recounts his experiences as a combat medic stationed on the Syrian border and later in Gaza, highlighting the challenges of combat, the psychological impact of war, and the importance of support organizations like Nevut for returning soldiers. Isaac also discusses the transition back to civilian life in Pittsburgh, the struggle with PTSD and therapy, and the nuanced relationship with faith post-service. The episode underlines the importance of community, support, and understanding the multifaceted experiences of soldiers returning from conflict zones. About Our Guest: Isaac is a former IDF Combat Medic, Pittsburgh Paramedic, and is now a current IDF Reservist who spent around 50 days in Gaza serving as a Combat Medic once more. He is currently back in the states working as a Paramedic before his next call up. More information and link to donate:   Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network.

Mar 12
Saving Lives: Vital Conversations on Suicide Awareness and Prevention - with Menachem Hojda, LMSW-C

* * * * This episode conversation primarily revolves around the sensitive issue of suicide. *   * Menachem Hojda, a trained mental health professional, enlightens listeners on understanding and responding to signs of suicidal thoughts in individuals. He emphasizes the importance of open discussion about suicide to combat feelings of isolation and loneliness experienced by those with suicidal thoughts. He also stresses the need for suicide intervention training for professionals and community members alike to enable effective support for those needing it. * This conversation also involves discussing the concepts of suicide awareness, suicide alertness, and suicide intervention. *   * * * * * * * Suicide Helplines from around the world: * *   * Amudim Crisis Line * * * * * * * * *   * National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (U.S.) * *   * Resources for those who have lost someone to suicide * *   * Kevin Hines' story of surviving suicide * *   * Living Works Suicide Trainings * *   * Recommendations for Media Covering Suicide * *   *   * About Our Guest: Menachem Hojda LMSW-C is the grandson of 4 Holocaust survivors. He was given the name Menachem because its meaning “the one who comforts” describes the hope his grandparents felt as they healed from the cruel genocide of their families with the birth of a new generation. Menachem strives to live up to that legacy by doing his part to value the miraculous healing made possible when people experience connection and belonging. As an Adjunct Professor at Touro University Graduate School of Social Work, and a Field Instructor at University of Michigan School of Social Work he explores the application of these concepts with students. He is a Master Trainer at Living Works and trains for Oakland Community Health Network. He practices Clinical Social Work and provides Clinical Supervision at Fairsky Foundation, and serves on the Board of Nefesh International.   * * * * *   * NEW SONG- "MY VOICE" (Kol Isha)  *   * Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network.

Mar 05
Mentoring Orthodox Jewish Women in Science - with Dr. Daniel Edelman

Melody of Miriam:   This episode features Dr. Daniel Edelman sharing his journey from a traditional Jewish upbringing to pursuing a career in science, despite initial aspirations for a Kollel life. They discuss challenges faced by Orthodox Jewish women in secular fields and initiatives to integrate them into science careers. Dr. Edelman talkes about a mentorship program he founded addressing cultural clashes and the importance of maintaining personal values. The program's impact is evident through participant achievements, culminating in presentations at NIH poster day. Over 60 women have benefited, underscoring the importance of mentorship and community support for Orthodox Jewish women in science. The discussion also raises questions about gender-specific mentorship needs within the community.   About Our Guest: Daniel Edelman, PhD, initially wanted to be a Rebbe in a Yeshiva Gedolah. However, Rabbi Yaakov Weinberg, ZT”L, suggested Plan B; as in B in Biology! Dr. Edelman earned his M.S. in Applied Molecular Biology at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County in 1993. He then worked as a research associate at the VA Medical Center in Baltimore and as a molecular technologist at the University of MD Medical Center in Baltimore. In 1997, Dr. Edelman began dissertation research in infectious disease and earned his PhD in medical pathology in 2005. From 2006-2007, he worked as a scientific reviewer with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Next up was 13 years at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) as the laboratory manager of the Clinical Molecular Profiling Core supporting NCI clinical cancer research. While there he also began a program to provide a mentored pathway into the sciences for Orthodox Jewish women. From 2020-2023, Dr. Edelman returned to the FDA as a policy analyst. Now back at NCI since last fall, he now works as a program officer focusing on cancer screening and clinical trials. All statements by Dr. Edelman are his alone and do not reflect those of the US Government.   * Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network.

Feb 27
“MY LOVE OF LEARNING”, From Rabbinical School to Yoetzet Halacha - with Stacey Goldman

Dear Soldier:   In this episode, we delve into the transformative journey of Stacey Goldman from a conservative Jewish background to becoming a Yoetzet Halacha, a female advisor on Jewish law, particularly focusing on the laws of family purity (Taharat HaMishpacha). Stacey shares her personal and professional evolution, shedding light on the challenges and triumphs she has encountered along the way.   About Our Guest: Stacey Nechama Goldman is a Tanach teacher at Kohelet Yeshiva High School in Philadelphia. She also teaches adult education classes all over the greater Philadelphia area including Aish Chaim, Lower Merion Synagogue, and Hillel at the University of Pennsylvania. She is a graduate of Barnard College and the U.S. Yoetzet Halacha Program of Nishmat's Miriam Glaubach Center and currently serves as Yoetzet Halacha for the greater Philadelphia community and the Young Israel/Aish in Las Vegas. She has published reflective essays and articles on You can find her audio classes on and She lives in suburban Philadelphia with her husband and is the happy mother of many boys and accumulating beautiful daughters in law and grandchildren.   Follow on IG: * Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network.

Feb 20
Panel: How Much Do We Need To Know To Feel? with Shoshanna Keats-Jaskoll, Carly Chodosh and Avital Chizhik-Goldschmidt

About Our Panelists: CARLY CHODOSH, MSS, LSW is a licensed social worker and therapist who lives in the Lower Merion suburb of Philadelphia, where she also serves as the Director of the Lower Merion Community Mikvah. Carly has advanced training in sexual dysfunction as well as perinatal mental health, and works to provide holistic support to the individuals and couples she treats.  * * AVITAL CHIZHIK-GOLDSCHMIDT is a journalist, rebbetzin and mother. Her work has appeared in the Atlantic, New York Times, Foreign Policy, The New Republic, Vox, Vogue, Salon, Glamour, Business Insider, Los Angeles Review of Books, Jewish Review of Books, and Religion & Politics, among others. Previously, she was an editor at the Forward and a reporter for Haaretz. She has taught journalism at Yeshiva University’s Stern College for Women, and is an adjunct at Columbia Graduate School of Journalism. Connect with her on Twitter and Instagram. * * * *   * SHOSHANNA KEATS JASKOLL is an accidental activist. Born and raised in Lakewood, New Jersey, she now lives in Israel where she co-founded a business with her sisters that specializes in messaging for businesses and nonprofits. Shoshanna co-founded Chochmat Nashim, an organization fighting extremism and raising the voice of Jewish women. Focused on the erasure and marginalization of women, Shoshanna’s articles, podcasts and lectures raise awareness of the danger of extremism and how the community can fight it. She has spoken in Knesset committee meetings and held protests outside the religious court, demanding justice for women. Her work on behalf of women in Judaism, stopping the spread of religious extremism, and current events in Israel has appeared in the Jerusalem Post, the Times of Israel, Tablet, Washington Examiner and more. She speaks internationally on the importance of a moderate and healthy community, how to be an effective activist, and life in Israel. Shoshanna and her family love trekking the Israeli countryside, and she enjoys chocolate, schug, and Speyside Scotch Whiskey.   POSITIVE ACCOUNTS TO FOLLOW: @evebarlow @leekern @lahavharkov @@davidhazony @shanimor @einatwilf @IsraelWarRoom · * Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network.

Feb 13
A Gaslighting Case in the Literal Sense - with Shulim Leifer

RSVP link for Concert in Israel:   About Our Guest: Shulim Leifer is a chasidish husband and father. He was a business executive in the field of Healthcare Administration, and is now a Social Justice Activist & Victim Advocate in the Charedi world.   Shulim is back on the show to share updates on the Daskal case, where Yankee Daskal pled guilty to charges of rape and was sentenced to 17 and a half years in federal prison. The survivor has filed a lawsuit against Daskal and others involved, marking a significant development in the case. Shulim also came on to comment on the ongoing and interesting details of the Lichter case, where a young woman accused her father, Menachem Lichter, of sexual abuse and trafficking. The father and mother aggressively responded by attempting to have the daughter declared mentally incompetent and involuntarily committed. Listen to hear what happened. Follow Shulim on X:   Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network.

Feb 06
"Behind The Mic" of The Franciska Show - with (sister) Rachel Peleg

Listen to a conversation between Franciska and her sister Rachel Peleg where they discuss the evolution of the podcast, its various segments, and the impact of its episodes on listeners. The conversation touches on the significance of discussing difficult topics within the community, such as surrogacy, parental expectations, and postpartum experiences. Listeners appreciated the authenticity and relatability of the podcast, finding comfort and insight in the shared stories. Franciska discusses her motivation behind starting the "No More Silence" segment, aiming to provide a voice for survivors within the community. She highlights the importance of creating a safe space for guests to share their stories while acknowledging the limitations of her role as a podcast host. The conversation also explores the process of selecting guests and topics for the podcast, with input from both the audience and Rachel's personal curiosity driving the content. The podcast aims to address topics that are often overlooked or misunderstood within the community, offering a platform for open dialogue and understanding. Overall, the excerpt provides insight into the podcast's journey, its impact on listeners, and its commitment to exploring diverse and meaningful topics.   Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network.

1h 9m
Jan 30
Navigating Faith and Identity - with Darcie (Davida) Nicole

Ever wondered about the intricate journey back to one's roots? Join us on The Franciska Show's latest episode as we unravel Darcie's captivating exploration of rediscovering Judaism amidst a backdrop of diverse religious experiences, hidden family heritage, and the changing landscapes of Jewish identity.   About Our Guest: Darcie - whose from birth Hebrew name is Davida Giborah - is a music industry professional, singer, and songwriter. She grew up in West Hartford, Connecticut. She went to Berklee College of Music in Boston and lived there until she made Aliyah in 2015. She was always religious, just not in the way you will expect -- Darcie's story of how she became Observant, and how she discovered the truth about her Mizrachi heritage -- will blow your mind!     The lead singer Daniel Weiss is the student whose parents were killed from Be'eri. HIs father was killed there and his mother was kidnapped by Hamas and then killed in captivity.  Et Ha’Meginah Hazot e Efshar l'Hafsikh   Follow Darcie (Davida) on Instagram:   Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network.  

1h 10m
Jan 23
A Tribute to IDF Commander Uriel Cohen - with Margalit Maresky

About this episode:   This episode features Margalit Maresky sharing the inspiring story of her first cousin Uriel Cohen, an IDF commander who sacrificed his life defending Israel. Uriel's dedication, courage, and love for his country are highlighted throughout his service, leading up to the tragic event in Gaza where he lost his life. Margalit expresses pride in Uriel's sacrifice for Am Yisrael and invites listeners to visit the IDF cemetery in Har Herzl, where heroes like Uriel are buried. The episode serves as a tribute to Uriel's memory and emphasizes the profound impact of his loss on Margalit and the entire nation. Read More:   Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network.

Jan 18
GUEST EPISODE: What is going on with the Israeli Supreme Court? - with Estee and Avraham Sheinin (The Franciska Show)

What is going on with the Israeli Supreme Court?   This discussion delves into the Israeli political system, highlighting the significant role and influence of the Supreme Court. The speakers touch on various topics including the distinction between laws and 'basic laws' in Israel, which are somewhat equivalent to a constitution. A key point of the discussion is the power of the Supreme Court to strike down these 'basic laws', a first in Israeli history, leading to the crisis of the judicial reform that took up headlines prior to the war. The hosts also examine how this development impacts the democratic process and the balance of judicial, legislative, and executive powers. Relevant examples such as laws related to ultra-Orthodox military service and illegal immigration highlight the controversy about the Supreme Court's decisions. The conversation concludes with reflections on the difficulties of reforming the system and avoiding a constitutional crisis.   FOLLOW THE ESTEE SHOW -   * Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network.

Jan 16
"My Sweet Son Yossi" - with Sarah Rosner

How does one navigate grief and loss with emotional intelligence and sensitivity? Join Sarah Rosner as she shares her poignant journey of facing heartbreak, finding solace in music, and embracing the potential for healing.   In this emotionally charged episode, Sarah Rosner opens up about her experiences with loss, grief, and the challenges of navigating a changed world after the passing of her son, Yossi. As she reflects on the significance of spirituality, sensitivity, and community support, listeners will find resonance with their own emotions and gain insights into navigating grief.     Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network.

Jan 09
Rejection, Loss, Resilience & Satmar-Israel shared with Bylu Wertheimer

About this Episode: Ever wondered what it's like to challenge stereotypes within the Satmar Chasidish community? Join this episode of The Franciska Show as the first Satmar guest, Bylu Wertheimer, shares her unique journey and experiences.   Discover how Bylu, a Satmar woman, navigates diverse interests and challenges stereotypes while maintaining a strong connection to her values. Explore her perspectives on motherhood, personal choices, and the complexities of the Satmar Chasidish community's stance on Israel. Gain insights into the broader issues of ideology and individuality within a close-knit community.   About Our Guest: Bylu Wertheimer is a Wife, mother and Founder of The Slingshot Guys, a video commercial production company. Once a Doer, Doer, Doer, she now strives to embrace each day for what it is. Facing challenge has deepened her appreciation for Life, laughter and deep everlasting connection. A born teacher she will freely and passionately share whatever ideas she’s currently learning and exploring. She joins this podcast to do just that. Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network.  

1h 0m
Jan 02
Embracing My Jewish and Biological Roots - with Dr. Sherri Wise

About The Episode: Ever wondered how an ancestry DNA test led a teacher and Baalat Teshuva from Toronto to discover a biological sister, unraveling a journey of identity, family, and unexpected blessings? In this episode, Dr. Sherri Wise shares her captivating journey—from a non-religious upbringing and unexpected connections through DNA testing to the heartwarming discovery of her biological sister.  Dive into a story that reflects the complexities of identity and family dynamics, offering insights into trust, newfound relationships, and the unexpected blessings life can unfold. Gain a profound understanding of Dr. Wise's transformative journey from non-observance to Baalat Teshuva and the challenges it posed in her relationship with her adoptive parents. Explore the heartwarming dynamics between Dr. Wise and her non-Jewish biological sister, as they navigate religious differences and embark on a journey of connection. Delve into the Sherri's resilient response to the tragic loss of her son, finding solace in Torah and offering words of encouragement to bereaved parents facing their unique struggles. Listen now to uncover the inspiring and heartfelt narrative of Dr. Sherri Wise as she shares her journey of faith, loss, and sisterhood. Gain valuable insights into identity, resilience, and unexpected blessings.   About Our Guest: Sherri Wise is a frum mother and bubie. She has spent her professional life teaching English both in Bais Yaakov high schools and at the university level while pursuing her doctorate. She was awarded her PhD in 2017. Adopted in infancy by non-observant Jewish parents, Sherri grew up feeling a strong connection to Judaism, and she became a Balas Teshuvah in young adulthood. A year and a half ago, much to her surprise, Sherri discovered she had a biological sister. She is currently writing a book about the experience. "A Matter of Choice: A Story of Faith, Loss and Sisterhood." Follow Sherri on Twitter:  * * * * * * * * * *   * Throwback Episodes: * I ALWAYS KNEW I WAS ADOPTED: *   THERE IS ALWAYS LOSS IN THE ADOPTION TRIANGLE     Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network.

Dec 26, 2023
Israel: Through the Lens of Charedi Feminism - with Fainy Sukenik

About Our Guest: Fainy Sukenik has worked to reverse stigma and isolation in highly conservative communities across Israel as the Founder of Baasher Telchi, an organization that support ultra-Orthodox and Orthodox women dealing with separation and divorce. She has been named one of the 40 under 40 most influential people in Israel. Today she is Partnership Manager in Collective Impact Initiative to prevent IVP in Israel. She between the activists who leads the "New Ultar Orthodox Community" in Israel.       * Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network. *  #Singing, #Performing, #Touring, #Costumes, #Choir, #Frum, #Music Teacher, #Jewish Culture, #Children's Choir

1h 6m
Dec 19, 2023

LINKS to the ILANIT ALBUMS: NEW MUSIC VIDEO: "I'll Go" by Franciska: Shim'u Melachim ft. LOLLY: We are the daughters: KOL ISHA   About the episode: This episode will take you back to the days of the Moscow Girls Ensemble "ILANIT". You will hear from five guests all about the studio, performing, touring and so much more. Guests include: Rebetzin Dara Goldschmidt Ganna- (Abigayil Krouglyak) Lani Dayan Dvora Katzevman Estee Goldschmidt Sheinin       Sponsor for this episode: Many people travel for pesach to these wonderful all-inclusive kosher for Passover vacations around the world. It really is a daunting task finding a pesach program with all the info like price, reviews and hotel details, but luckily there’s a company out there called Passover Listings who makes it really easy for you to find a perfect “in your budget” program.  They also just launched a new pricing tool that allows you to get pricing across every single pesach program with a click of a button and have a passover program reviews Facebook group to find reliable reviews. Check them out at:         Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network.

1h 23m
Dec 14, 2023
Dynamics in Jewish Politics & History - with Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt

NEW RELEASES: (KOL ISHA) New Music Video - "I'll GO" Tfilat Haderech Humanity   Old Chanuka Music: Maoz Tzur Al Hanisim   More songs coming this chanuka week!    About Our Guest: PINCHAS GOLDSCHMIDT is a Swiss-born rabbi, scholar, and Jewish community leader. He was the Chief Rabbi of Moscow, Russia from 1993 until 2022, serving at the Moscow Choral Synagogue.[1] He also founded and has headed the Moscow Rabbinical Court of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) since 1989. From 2011, Goldschmidt has served as president of the Conference of European Rabbis (CER), which unites over seven hundred communal rabbis from Dublin, Ireland to Khabarovsk, in the Russian Far East. In the aftermath of increased socio-political repression within Russia in 2022 within the context of the Russo-Ukrainian war, Goldschmidt gained international media attention for his recommendation that all Jews living in Russia leave the country for their own safety and security.[2] He would later become the first rabbi to be listed as a foreign agent by Russia as a result of his opposition to war.[3] Given his role in speaking for the benefit of the Jewish community, Goldschmidt has stated that he has been a magnet for personal threats of violence by antisemitic extremists.[2]     Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network.  

Dec 10, 2023
My Service and Sacrifice as a Wife of a Reservist

Sponsor for this episode:     About Our Guest:   Tali is grew up in Chicago and made aliyah in 2010. She currently lives in Givat Shmuel with her husband and 4 daughters where she serves as the director of Mizrachi OU-JLIC in Givat Shmuel and Bar Ilan with her husband Tzvi. Tali is also a professional makeup artist and kallah teacher and loves empowering women in both these areas!   @taliwohlglernter   Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network.  

Dec 05, 2023
Project "Eshet Chayal" - with Libby Kalikstein

About Our Guest: Libby grew up in Israel. Happily married and busy raising her 5 adorable children in Jerusalem. Works full time in human resources and PR for a nursing home in Ashdod. Libby is always involved in numerous opportunities for helping people.   We now have an option to donate via The Chesed Fund: Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network.

Nov 28, 2023
Torah’s View on Hostage Negotiation - with Rabbi Daniel Wasserman

About Our Guest:   Rabbi Wasserman grew up in Passaic, NJ where his parents served as Rabbi and Rebbitzen of the Young Israel of Passaic. He spent high school through Bais Medrash and Semicha at Rabbi Berel Wein's yeshiva in Monsey, NY. He holds a BS in Biology, an MS in Community leadership, and a graduate certificate in Jewish Non-Profit management. Rabbi Wasserman served as a Rabbi in , NJ, Worcester , MA , and 27 years in Pittsburgh, PA. Among other projects in Pittsburgh, He founded the Gesher HaChaim Jewish Burial Society and sued the PA Funeral Board in federal court and guaranteed the right of religious and non-profit group to care for the dead with no involvement of commercial funeral directors or funeral homes in any part of the process. Rabbi Wasserman made Aliyah with his wife, Judi, in August of 2022 and presently lives in Ashdod.   Facebook: RDW Wasserman  Instagram: @   @rabbiwass on X   Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network.

Nov 23, 2023
The Indirect Effects of War in Healthcare - with Dr. Deena Wasserman

About Our Guest:   Deena grew up in Pittsburgh and spent a year studying in Israel before studying for her undergraduate degree at Stern College, where she majored in biology and minored in education. She received her MD from University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and then went on to complete residency in Emergency Medicine at Temple University Hospital in Philadelphia. She completed a fellowship in EMS and Disaster Medicine at Cooper University Hospital in Camden before making aliyah. She now lives and works in Ashdod, Israel.   Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network.

Nov 21, 2023
Through The Lens Of The PRE-HOLOCAUST Era

About Our Guest: Dr. Elana Heideman is a Jewish identity transformational leader and Jewish rights activist. A historian, educator, writer and motivational speaker, Elana is CEO/Executive Director of The Israel Forever Foundation, an apolitical nondemoninational empowerment and engagement organization focused on building Jewish unity. She has authored numerous articles and programs that provide experiential learning opportunities for learners of all ages, and was the protege of Professor Elie Wiesel whose legacy she carries on in her unique approach to the transmission of history and memory. Elana's passion for Jewish continuity, literacy and connection drive her many efforts to facilitate dialogue and advance the personal activism of the global Nation of Israel.   Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network.

Nov 14, 2023
The Mental Health Toll in War - with Elisheva Liss

About Our Guest: * *  Elisheva Liss is a licensed marriage and family therapist in the New York area. She works with individuals and couples, to help improve their quality of life and relationships. The most common issues she treats are depression, anxiety, sexual, and relationship problems. Her approach is called collaborative, which means she looks at her work as a partnership with each client. Elisheva doesn't have an authoritative or specific agenda; her goal is simply to help clients achieve their goals.  * * * * * *   *   * Check Out My Latest Single: WE ARE ONE: (Kol Isha)   Participate in the Blue and White Unity Campaign: Take a photo or video of yourself wearing blue and white, maybe sing a Jewish/Israeli Song, post in on social media and upload it to Don't forget to use hashtags: #bluewhiteunity #wearblueandwhite    Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network.

Nov 07, 2023
Navigating The World Of Fundraising & Donating - with Mordechai (Michael) Milch

In this episode we discuss important things to keep in mind when donating to causes and charities. How it's different during war time and what you can do to make the biggest impact. 1. Tell Congress: Support Emergency Help to Israel     2. AIPAC: President Biden has requested a massive emergency aid package for Israel. Congress must pass it as soon as possible. ACTION NEEDED: YOUR VOICE IS ESSENTIAL. CLICK HERE TO EMAIL CONGRESS, AND THEN FORWARD THIS EMAIL TO OTHERS AND URGE THEM TO JOIN YOU IN CONTACTING YOUR ELECTED LEADERS BY VISITING WWW.AIPAC.ORG/ACT. The disinformation campaign against Israel is in full swing, painting Israel as the aggressor and ignoring the facts. Yesterday, a writertook to X (formerly Twitter) to state that Israeli babies were "found headless," but not necessarily beheaded. THE ISRAELI GOVERNMENT INVITED FOREIGN PRESS TO WATCH A 45-MINUTE VIDEO OF UNRELEASED AND UNEDITED FOOTAGE FROM HAMAS BODY CAMERAS.READ ONE REPORTER’S RECOUNTING OF THE HORRIFIC THINGS HE SAW, AND WATCH THIS VIDEO DETAILING WHAT WAS SHOWN. GETTING THE FACTS: Please download and share this AIPAC FAQ document about the war. You can also review our list of recommended people and organizations to follow on X and Instagram for updates, analysis, and information. About Our Guest: Mordechai (Michael) Milch is a father of 6. He is a husband of 1. He is a lover of Israel and Pittsburgh sports. He is also an accomplished mental health and substance abuse treatment owner and operator with years of expertise and success at all levels of execution pertaining to chemical dependency, mental and behavioral health, and addiction recovery. He is a creative solutions-oriented problem solver and skilled risk taker. As a manager, he believes in servant leadership and has tuned his skills to a balance of loving care and support with strong accountability to goals, while inspiring others through compassion and integrity. Instagram: LinkedIn:   Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network.  

Oct 24, 2023
Charedi Initiatives, Service & Awakening - with Dr. Nechumi Yaffe

About Our Guest:   Dr. Nechumi Yaffe is a faculty member in the Department of Public Policy at Tel Aviv University. She completed her postdoctoral fellowship at Princeton University's Daniel Kahneman Center of Behavioral Science and Public Policy and the University Center for Human Values.   Nechumi’s research examines how identity, social norms, and rabbinic authority play a role, from a social psychology perspective, in generating and perpetuating poverty. Her work focuses on the ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) community in Israel and the USA.   Before embarking on her doctoral studies, she served as an adviser to the ultra-Orthodox educational system, where she wrote a new curriculum and textbook in history for use in all Israeli Haredi high schools.   Nechumi earned a Ph.D. in political science from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. She is the first woman from Israel’s ultra-Orthodox community to do so.     Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network.

Oct 17, 2023

About Our Guest:   Avraham Sheinin is an Israeli veteran living in Bala Cynwyd. Served in the Combat Engineering Corps of Gaza 2010-2012. He graduated with a Bachelors degree from Hebrew University and a Masters in Engineering fromCornell. Currently, Avraham works as a data scientist, is married and has two kids.   Misheberach for the Soldiers by Franciska (Kol Isha)     Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network.

Oct 10, 2023
“ADHD Kids Will Change the World!” - with Rabbi Ezra Elstein

Would you like to be a SPONSOR? Would you like to join the Whatsapp Discussion Group? Reach out about new sponsorship opportunities for your brand & organizations - Check out for more Jewish Podcasts on our network.     About Our Guest: Ezra is a native Philadelphian who grew up in a warm, supportive, Torah Observant family. Despite a negative Torah day school experience, he gave Judaism a second shot, and fell in love with the beauty of Torah at Ohr Somayach Israel. To make a long story short, his life’s mission is to bring the joy, authenticity, and autonomy of the Beis Medrash system to children as early as possible. Ezra’s best friend and partner in everything is Adina Elstein, and they are raising four lively children. He received Semicha from Torah Mitzion Institute for Judaic Studies and served as the Rav of Anshei Sfard Atlanta for two years. Ezra enjoys reading Midrashim, playing board games, and being outsmarted by his students.      

Oct 03, 2023