All-Level Trial Prep...SAY WHAT?!
APR 21, 2023
Description Community
A common approach teams take when they are prepping for a Scent Work trial is to focus on the requirements for a given level. However, that oftentimes means teams are solely obsessing about tackling super difficult searches in the upper levels whereas newer teams are holding off on introducing key concepts until much later in their training journey. This can be problematic. Enter all-level trial prep as an alternative approach!


In this episode, we speak with Lori Timberlake of Do Over Dog Training about the more holistic approach she takes in her in-person training classes and how she is translating this into a new webinar and online course she is offering through Scent Work University.


The beauty of this approach is that it can help EVERYONE! Obviously, teams of all levels of expertise can benefit, but even those teams who are NOT interested in competing can find value in this webinar and course, learning how to design more thoughtful practice sessions. Furthermore, instructors may glean some ideas and inspiration which can then bolster their own programs. Thus, this webinar and course are both fantastic learning opportunities for everyone!

Learn more about the All-Level Trial Prep Webinar and the All Level NACSW™ Trial Prep Course, you and your dog will be happy you did! Additionally, look into scheduling either a Zoom consultation or submitting a training to trialing video to Lori to review and provide her feedback on.


Scent Work University is an online dog training platform focused on all things Scent Work. Our online coursesseminarswebinars and eBooks are not only for those who are interested in competition, but also for those dog owners who are simply looking for something fun and engaging to do with their dogs. Check out Scent Work University today!

Are you interested in competing in Scent Work? Give virtual trialing a try! Check out Cyber Scent Work, Inc. where not only may you earn qualifying scores, titles and ribbons, you may also receive training feedback from our incredibly talented and experienced Review Officials. Submit your video entry today.

Interested in another dog sport? Dog Sport University is sister online dog training platform, give it a peek and see what it has to offer you and your dog.

Want to help your dog in the manner department? Maybe you have a new puppy?

Check out our newest online dog training platform, Pet Dog U, where we offer online dog training courses, webinars, seminars as well as a regularly updated blog and podcast for all of your dog training needs!

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