Thursday Night CrossFit Talk - Guest Host Hailey Rolfe and All the CrossFit News!
FEB 23
Description Community

Friday Night Lights  TV Show or Movie???

Any new shows?

Health update? 

Hailey Rolfe
 Why Team with Jamie?
 What pressures did you feel competing as a team and how did they change your outlook for future competitiveness
 Do you feel you missed out on anything?
 Teen/Mentor program introduced by Teen pit fitness ranch

Teens getting the full games kit?? (Maybe save this-need to do some more research)

Open announcements- shred shed for week 2, does this defeat the purpose of using an affiliate and involving the community?
Is prvn open yet/what kind of community do they have?
.3 announced Arielle and Tia
Remember when Annie's Team versed the regular affiliate team. Why not more of that? Why not include teens/masters/adaptive? 

Dave sucked into Games programming

Justin leaks a movement, do we think athletes are told?

Invictus- Chandlers Team announced (chandler/al Chama, devyn, Lauren fisher) how does this stack up to Noah's Team?

February media poll rankings. 

Heat 1 bracket challenge - Fill out live (I will print out one for each of us) 

Kelly baker out for this season (trying to get pregnant) - Ever since I met her, she is a zig when other zag

24.1 clue - mushroom
