Linda Va'aelua - Visual Artist | Designer
JUL 21, 2023
Description Community

Linda Va’aelua is a full time visual artist and designer of Samoan Scottish heritage. She grew up in the West Auckland suburb of Te Atatu South and is based in Tāmaki Makaurau,  Auckland.

Linda straddles the worlds of digital graphic design and fine arts. Her aim is always to bring unique perspectives to the creative landscape. Her recent work explores her identity and mixed heritage through abstract maunga forms and malu patterns.

Linda strives to provoke emotions and challenge conventional perspectives. Each piece she creates is an invitation for the audience to delve into a world where the norm begs to be understood then challenged. From abstract compositions that explore the depths of human emotions to intricate digital collages that merge analog and thought, her artwork tells stories that resonate with diverse audiences within Pasifika and beyond.

We have an inspiring chat about how Linda studied design after leaving school and became an art director for a magazine at the young age of 25 and how years later she started painting and created a virtual show of the first works she produced, marking the beginning of her full time art practice. Linda talks about her incredibly busy, successful last 2 years where she has had 3 solo shows and more than 12 group shows, written and designed a book and curated a show and is now working on a joint show with her sister Alison - all at the same time as being a dedicated mum to 4 children.

Ngā mihi thanks for listening!

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