Best Above Ground Pools - Best Permanent Above Ground Pool
SEP 01, 2021
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Let’s go over the major points to keep in mind.
Run the Pool Filter Daily
For 12 to 24 hours every day, your pool filter should be running to keep things clean. Invest in a filter system that removes bacteria thoroughly.
Remember to Test pH Levels
Weekly, check the pH value of your pool. Levels should be between 7.2 and 7.6.
If Using Chlorine, Check Your Chlorine Levels
Although chlorine helps keep your pool safe - when there’s too much - the pool can become dangerously full of chemicals. If there’s not enough chlorine, your pool is susceptible to bacteria and can turn a nasty-looking green color. Check to make sure that your levels are between 2.0 and 4.0 ppm.
Empty Skimmers and Pumps as Needed
When your skimmers and pump baskets become full of debris, they can’t pull in enough water. This means they aren’t filtering well, which can leave your pool dirty and unsafe.
Check for Hidden Algae and Mold Monthly
Chlorine kills the algae in your pool, but sometimes, hidden deposits can build up. Check for any fungi in your pool on a monthly basis so you can get ahead of the problem before it worsens.
Best Above Ground Pools Accessories You Should Have
The pump is the heart of your pool’s water circulation system. It works to pull water from the pool through the skimmer and filter. Without the pump, the cleaning system cannot operate, the filter cannot do its job, and the water essentially stays stagnant. If you are going to invest heavily in any aspect of the pool maintenance, let it be the pump system.
Cost: $300 - $400
Remember: your pool will only be as clean as your filter and pumps can keep it. Therefore, it’s a good idea to invest in a fairly expensive, high-end option. Look for a durable filter system that is rated for your pool size and provides heavy-duty cleaning.
Cost: $450 - $700
Alternative: To cut down on the maintenance and chemicals that go into your best above ground pool, Perma Salt can be a great alternative to chlorine. The Perma Salt Purification System is a non-chlorine purifier that uses natural minerals to keep your pool clean. In addition to cutting down on the maintenance required on your part, its super soft on skin, hair, eyes, and swimsuits!
Cost: $399
Pool Steps
Because above ground pools have relatively high walls, you’ll likely want some steps leading up to the water. This makes it easy for children (and adults) to access the pool without trying to climb up the high sides.
Pool steps come in many different styles, but one of the most popular options are the “wedding cake” steps that are rounded and easy to climb with a handle for balance. A solid stair option like this will likely set you back a couple hundred dollars, but they’re easy to install and use.
Cost: $250 - $400
Pool Ladders
Once you’re in the pool, you’ll want an easy way to get out. This is especially important if children will be swimming - they’ll need a place to rest and climb out. Look into a pool ladder that extends into the water and makes exits safe and simple.
Cost: $150 - $200
Storage Units
All pool owners will acquire a lot of equipment, from pool toys to cleaning solutions and vacuums. We highly recommend purchasing a storage bench or chest that can keep these things neatly tucked away.
Cost: $250 - $500
Accidental drownings amongst children are a serious problem. Prevent your loved ones from accessing the pool without supervision by installing a fence around the area. Although this is another expense to consider, it’s well worth it if it keeps your family members safe. Here are some great reliable fences to choose from.
Cost: $80 - $230
Automatic Cleaners
If you really want to make your pool maintenance simple, purchase an automatic pool cleaner that keeps the pool bottom and water sanitary. Check to make sure the cleaner or vacuum you purchase is made for above ground pools, not just in-ground pools.
Cost: $130 - $600
How To Choose The Best Permanent Above Ground Pool For Your Yard
Think About the Necessary Walls
As we said before, fences and barriers can serve as a defense against accidental drowning. The kind of walls you decide to install can play a big role in the type of above ground pool you decide to install.

Do you want one that’s small enough to fit in your backyard with an above ground deck and rails?
Are you going to install a simple fence or an entire stone wall around the pool?

Knowing what your above ground pool will look like before you make big decisions will help you pick the right size and shape, as well as the location for the pool in the backyard.
Consider What You Will Use It For

Are you more of an entertainer or a chillax-on-your-own type of person?
Who will be using the pool?
What events will you be hosting in the future?

Thinking about how your above ground swimming pool will function in your yard early on will help you make the best decision. Some people want a simple set up that’s just for family use. Others want to install a big deck with a pool that’s great for hosting a summer pool party,
Don’t wait until the pool is installed to decide who will use it and when - think about it ahead of time.
Think Critically About Your Space
Take a look at your backyard before you install the pool and think critically about the space it will take up. It’s not always the best idea to install the biggest pool just because you have the room. Consider how much free space you want leftover and what will really benefit you: more yard or more pool.
4 Things to Be Mindful of When Buying An Above Ground Pool
In the process of buying an best above ground pool, there are several factors to consider before taking the plunge. Here are the major factors to keep in mind:

Determine Your Budget Before You Start Shopping

This is a big one. It’s surprisingly easy to get caught up in the bells and whistles tied to pools. Before you even look at a single model, do your research, determine a budget, and stick to it!

Check the experience level of the pool builder or contractor.

To reiterate, there is a fair amount of groundwork involved in making sure your pool is sitting on a good foundation. Be sure the pool builder is qualified to do the job and has the formal training to install the pool. Remember, if the cost seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Don’t Get Carried Away with Estimates

Obviously, you want to get the best price for your above ground pool. However, you don’t want to go overboard and get as many estimates as possible – as this can easily jumble your thought process and get confusing. If you want to shop around, do yourself a favor and stick to three or four estimates max.

Don’t Shop Over the Phone

Getting the perfect pool involves a detailed estimation where a professional walks you through the entire process and shows you exactly what your options are. Additionally, it’s always recommended to go to the physical store and speak with someone face-to-face. They will educate you and help you make the perfect decision.
In Conclusion
Hopefully, this article has given you some insight into what it looks like to install an above ground pool - and what you should consider before the process begins. It’s certainly not a small task, and it requires a great deal of thought.
Be sure that you’re considering materials, size, and type thoroughly before you purchase your above ground pool. Additionally, you need to be prepared to clean the pool, maintain it over the years, and make it a safe environment for friends and family.
An above ground swimming pool is a fantastic addition to your home. While the decision to buy an above ground pool can be a spur-of-the-moment thing, the process of searching for the perfect pool and planning out how it will rest in your yard shouldn’t be.
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