Mathers gonna math w/ Deborah Peart
MAY 18, 2023
Description Community

You know how readers read and writers write?  Well one day Deborah Peart decided that math should also be a verb, so she created the Mather movement.  She and Vanessa discuss the difference between a "mather" and a "mathematician", how numeracy and literacy are basically the same thing, and how bringing a mindfulness approach to her classrooms led to her being known by her students simply as "Peace Lady".  Shake up your glitter jar (yep, that's a thing) and settle in for this hilarious and heartwarming ep!

About Deborah:

Deborah Peart is the founder and CEO of My Mathematical Mind. She speaks on a variety of topics related to math identity, elementary math content and instruction, and literacy connections to mathematics. She is the Director of Elementary Learning at UnboundEd and the lead author for second grade for the Illustrative Mathematics K-5 curriculum. 

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