NSP:278 The Chase and Gather Life | Michael, Rudi and Danny (from Chase and Gather)
OCT 17, 2024
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Interview with Michael, Rudi and Danny (from Chase and Gather) Todays interview is with Michael, Rudi and Danny (from Chase and Gather) - 2 South African expats and a Kiwi that run an awesome hunting lifestyle brand! They make awesome videos about hunting, from stalking game through the bush to smashing Wahoo in the deep blue. Join the boys for a memorable conversation about growing up and learning to hunt and spearfish, finding the best spears in the world, the hunting lifestyle and so much more! The hunting and outdoor lifestyle is one that these 3 embody, go check them out on Important times 00:13 Intro 09:00 Welcome Michael, Rudi and Danny! 11:30 Flower nuts 15:50 Diving with Laura from Spearo Diaries, South African vs New Zealand boats 20:20 Bending spears? Shoot them top down! Rob Allen, Ocean Hunter and more! 28:00 Chase and Gather merch 29:45 Bags on the boat, Brie cheese and the hunting lifestyle 34:00 Hunting rights, mental health and why we are hunters 41:00 How and why did you all start spearfishing and hunting? 47:35 Fiordland hunting trip - on land and in the water 56:50 What were your biggest mistakes? 01:08:30 The value of true, honest friends 01:12:00 Reelguns vs floatlines, tips to land big fish 01:20:50 Belt reel 01:25:05 Memorable fish, and crazy shark stories 01:36:35 GoPro vs Dji Osmo 01:47:55 What partners and sponsors do you have? 01:53:25 Spearo Q&A 01:56:50 Outro Listen in and subscribe on iOS or Android Important Links Noob Spearo Partners and Discount Codes | Get Spear Ready and make the most of your next spearfishing trip! 50 days to better spearfishing! . Use the code NOOBSPEARO save $20 on every purchase over $200 at checkout – Flat shipping rate, especially in AUS! – Use the code NOOB10 to save 10% off anything store-wide. Free Shipping on USA orders over $99 | Simple, Effective, Dependable Wooden Spearguns. Use the Code NOOB to save $30 on any speargun:) | 10% off for listeners with code: NOOBSPEARO | Get 10% off Sharkshield Technology | Freedom7 or Scuba7 enter the code NOOBSPEARO | ‘Spearo Dad’ | ‘Jobfish Tribute’ | 99 Spearo Recipes use the code SPEARO to get 20% off any course 28-day Freediving Transformation | Equalization Masterclass – Roadmap to Frenzel | The 5 minute Freediver | Break the 10 Meter Barrier – Use the code NOOBSPEARO to save . Listen to 99 Tips to Get Better at Spearfishing | Wickedly tough and well thought out gear! Check out the legendary
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