APR 28, 2023
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We're taking the time-traveling hearse back across the pond as we revisit One Night Only on this month's BACK FROM THE DEAD! Join Alex and Travis as we explore a semi-forgotten classic between The Undertaker and Bret Hart in a match that was left off the original VHS release of this first ever U.K. exclusive PPV. The finish might have been wonky, but the match itself is one of the best of The Dead Man's first decade - be sure to check it out if you've never seen it. Plus we discuss the rarely seen "WWF Fab Four" interview special that aired in the U.K. around this time featuring a sort of groundbreaking interview with The Undertaker. And be sure to join us on May 1st as we look back at another classic UT U.K. match as we cover Mayhem In Manchester featuring Taker (in his street clothes!) vs. Kane. We'll also look back at Over The Edge 1998 with The Undertaker as the special enforcer for the match between Stone Cold and Dude Love - it's a jam-packed Attitude Era throwback - don't miss it!


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