Welcome to The Love Drive Helpline; a new format where I answer listener questions that are submitted to me via voicemail! Leave your question here: https://bit.ly/lovedrivehelpline
Today's question comes from Emily about letting a once-in-a-lifetime love go. I share about forgiveness, accepting the consequences of our choices, and how to keep hopeful that love is right around the corner.
Emily's question [edited for brevity's sake]
"I'm three and half years past a breakup that pretty much rocked my world.
He moved on right away got married right away; there's been no contact, so I can't even see them on social.
It's hard for me to move past the story that I let a really good love go and that that could have been a once-in-a-lifetime thing and that it might not come back again.
How do you forgive yourself or how do you get past that and find hope?"
Leave your question here: https://bit.ly/lovedrivehelpline
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