SPE Live Podcast: Gaia Talk – Rigs to Reefs: From Oil Production to Ocean Habitat
OCT 19, 2023
Description Community

All offshore platforms will need to be decommissioned at some point, bearing many millions of dollars of cost. A field-proven alternative is to convert those assets into thriving reef ecosystems that align with regulatory requirements, don’t create pollution, or obstruct any waterways, and can substantially reduce cost and greenhouse gas emissions. Come join us to learn about a rare triple-win for companies, the public, and ocean ecosystems.

This SPE Live Gaia Talk explores the value proposition and preparation for turning offshore infrastructure into fecund fisheries.

• Emily Hazelwood, Blue Latitudes LLC
• Amber Sparks, Blue Latitudes LLC

Moderated by Dwayne Purvis, Founder and Principal Advisor at Purvis Energy Advisors
