Swan Song of Love_ Embracing Change and Healing in Turbulent Marriages
MAR 21
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It took a voyage through still waters and turbulent storms for me to truly find my voice, a tale I'm ready to unravel with you. Imagine two swans gliding harmoniously, then visualize the struggle when one is suddenly left alone—this is the essence of my personal odyssey, where a stifling marriage once silenced me, but the loss of my partner became a catalyst for transformation. Join me this Thursday for an intimate tea-time chat, where I'll share how speaking into a tape recorder as a child evolved into harnessing technology today to broadcast my voice far and wide. I'm eager to pass on three pearls of wisdom that have been pivotal in navigating life's challenges: the strength found in saying no, the lifeline that is steadfast companionship, and the unexpected kinship formed in digital realms.

Join us as Theresa Croft delves into how our actions today are paving the way for the future, both for ourselves and the generations to follow. This episode is a deep dive into the concept of legacy in the year 2024 — a time of rapid change and immense opportunity. We discuss how to embrace the open doors of this year with courage and wisdom, aligning our steps with our faith and values. Featuring insightful guest speakers, personal anecdotes, and practical advice, this episode is a must-list

Thank you for tuning in to 'Unleashing Kingdom Voices.' We hope today's episode has inspired you to embrace and amplify your unique voice. For more insights, resources, and information about our courses, AI tools, and our incredible guests, visit theresacroft.com. Join us again as we continue to explore powerful stories and tools that empower your voice and identity. Until next time, keep unleashing your kingdom voice!"

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