#430 - The Lizzie Borden Of Baseball - Martin Bergen
OCT 15, 2024
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This week, we check out an old timey baseball player, who completely lost his mind, during his playing days. One of the best catchers of his time, renowned for his baseball ability, but feared for his unstable, and insane behavior. He fought teammates, chased small children, who were fans of the other team, and generally crazied himself out of baseball, until his final, unbelievably violent serious of acts, that has him compared to Lizzie Borden!

Grow up wanting to play that "new" sport, baseball, believe that your teammates are actually plotting to kill you, and end it all with one final slaughter, that will leave you as infamous, for the next hundred years with Martin Bergen!!

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We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!! 

Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie Whisman 

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