When Souljah’s sit at the table the conversation is different. There is a feast of messages from the Most High God filled with the Promise’s from His Word as you hear iron sharpening iron with the power of the Sword.
Join the The Rev and Lady Shannon at the table on the Chatting With The Whitney’s podcast.
B4LM Theme Song written, Produced, and Performed by: Nineside/International Nine@https://linktr.ee/Nineside
Books by The Rev & Lady Shannon
Brave Scars - https://www.amazon.com/Brave-Scars-Min-Shannon-Whitney-ebook/dp/B083D95P8Q
Love and Marriage 1 - https://www.amazon.com/Love-Marriage-Make-Last-Forever-ebook/dp/B0837YN34W
Love and Marriage 2 - https://www.amazon.com/LOVE-MARRIAGE-Make-Last-Forever-ebook/dp/B083D7TBHT
It Ain’t Over Til It’s Over - 3
You Are What You Think! Peculiar Thoughts for Peculiar People (Volume 1 & 2)
Email: blessed4lifeministries@gmail.com
NOTE: We do not own the rights to the great music you hear on the show. However, we hope you love it as much as we do!