The Creative Center: Sharing the Bliss of Creativity
MAR 24, 2023
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Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra 1.17: Through self-enquiry the practitioner gains insight, but eventually all mental logic must come to an end in bliss. Following that is the comprehension that all is the Self (yoga). 

In our previous two classes, we have taken time to invest in the ‘inquiry’ portion of the creative process, generating insight through Satsang teachings from Sri ShambhavAnanda and Swami Rudrananda, as well as the Shiva Sutras and Vijnana Bhairava. But, as Patanjali teaches, we will take more time to let that logic come to an end in Bliss as we write and reflect a little more, as well as one more key element to the creative process— Sharing! Sharing our writing with felling sangha members will allow us to both be supported and inspired by our fellow creative yogis, as well as bring us one more step closer to real comprehension of this process as a whole— the yogic experience of creativity. Thanks for being a part of the creative process with us! Namaste!
